32: Sometimes Loving Someone Too Much is Bad For You

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"I don't know why it pisses me off so bad, but it does," Robin grumbles, pacing the room back and forth. "I just wanna fight every single guy who even looks at her and be the only one whoever gets to kiss her pretty face."

Finney patiently listens, sitting on Valentina's bed and watching him walk to and fro.

"You're starting to sound pretty crazy here Robin," Finney jokes, leaning back in the bed. "I think you're over thinking all this. She hasn't made any moves on other guys, you know that."

"Yeah, but they make moves on her," he grumbles, stopping his pacing to sit beside him. "It's not fair."

"Robin, how many girls have you dated?" Finney asks, sitting up on his arm.

Robin becomes a bit flustered, awkwardly scratching the back of his head, "I don't know. A few...but I didn't take them seriously like Valentina! I never brought them around the house. I only kissed one of them, and I never even held any of their hands. They were meaningless to me."

Finney nods, "right, and how many people has Valentina dated?"

"I don't know," he answers honestly. "I just know of Vance."

"And me, after the whole kiss incident, but that was only because we thought we had to," he adds on, again making Robin sit up hurriedly.

"Why do I keep just finding out about stuff with you and her?! What else have you two done? Have you-"

"No," Finney immediately cuts off, already knowing where he's going with that. "That's it. We kissed and dated for like a week. Relax, man. My point was that she's only dated two people, and only one of them was serious. It's not fair for you to be acting the way you are."

His face drops into a thoughtful frown. Finney was right, he knew that. I mean, he was always right. Still though, he just couldn't get a grip on his stupid emotions.

"I...I cried for her, Finney," he admits with an embarrassed expression.

Finney raises his brows in surprise, "you cried?"

"I know, some pussy shit," he grumbles and throws his head into his hands. "I don't know what happened to me, man. It was at the party, and we were fighting about that shit with Jodie. She started walking off. I thought she was gonna break up with me and....all of sudden, it was like I couldn't breathe, Finn. Like I was really scared, like I might die or some shit. I don't know why, but I couldn't breathe and I couldn't stop crying."

The other boy listens quietly, sincerely surprised by his best friends display of emotions. Robin has always been strong, never once showing an ounce of emotion beyond anger or confidence. He's never cried in front of him, or anyone else for that matter. Well, except for Valentina apparently.

"Robin, I....." He trails off, not quite knowing what to say. "Why do you think you reacted like that?"

"I don't know, man," Robin shakes his head, still keeping them in his hands. "I think I'm too afraid of losing her. She's all I have left. She's been here through the worst shit. I don't know what I would do without her, and I feel like I'll go crazy just thinking about it."

"Maybe you should talk to her about it," Finney suggests, feeling increasingly worried about him. "Sometimes....loving someone too much is bad for you, y'know?"

"What do you mean?" He peaks up at him from his hands.

Finn sighs, "when you love someone too much, you forget how to love yourself without them. I think it's good that you care so much about Valentina, but I think you need to care about yourself some more too."

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