30: I Can't Hear You Because You're Ugly

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Pink is honestly surprised. He definitely didn't expect this outcome. For as long as he's known Robin, which admittedly wasn't very long, still, he's always recognized him as a loyal person. He stood for those he cared about and regarded them with utmost respect. Regardless of social status brouhaha. Never, ever, did he imagine he would be the type to cheat on his girlfriend.

To be fair, it is harder to turn down older girls, so he tries to give him that at least. Still, the absolute devastation that crosses Valentina's face makes him feel bad he ever brought her to search for him to begin with.

Jodie notices them first, pretending to be shocked, but smiling ever so slightly. Then, Robin follows her eyes and pushes her back to spin around. Once his eyes land on Valentina, he can immediately feel his heart burst into rapid beats as he quickly makes an attempt to move toward her.

She doesn't give him the chance, quickly bolting in the other direction.

Pink stands there quietly watching as she runs off, then turns to Robin who is immediately charging to follow after her. He holds his hand out to stop him, catching him by the chest.

"Let me go, man!" Robin struggles out of the seniors grip.

Pink shakes his head, "what the hell were you doing?"

Robin seems both flustered and confused by Pink's question, "I wasn't doing shit, man. Jodie was trying to kiss me and I didn't want to. I'm serious. What were you doing with Valentina, huh? I came here looking for her."

"We were looking for your dumbass," he shakes his head. "I was trying to convince her you weren't going behind her with Jodie, but that's not looking to convincing now, is it?"

"Fuck you," Robin grumbles, trudging in the direction his girlfriend ran.

Pink turns to Jodie, who is again faking innocence. He rolls his eyes and walks towards the girl.

"Wipe that stupid fucking look off your face," he grumbles, pushing the girl back hard. "You're a manipulative slut, and if you don't apologize to that girl, I'm gonna make sure everyone knows it."

She's shocked at his action, but even more so at his words, "wh-what?! Why?! You're really gonna go out of your way for some fish?"

"She's a sophomore," he corrects while rolling his eyes. "And yeah, I am. She dated Vance, and anyone who meant anything to Vance, means something to me."

So there it is, the real reason this senior has been looking out for Valentina all night. An old friend of Vance's, hoping to do him one last solid.

"What do you want from me?" Jodie spits, nose scrunched up in a glare as she faces up at him.

"Like I said: apologize," he shrugs. "And leave Robin the hell alone. Honestly, man. How many times does the kid have to tell you he isn't interested for you to take a hint? It's pathetic. I've seen him deny you over ten times in the last school year."

Jodie doesn't say anything, just marches past him with an embarrassed look, heading in the same direction as the other two.

Meanwhile, Valentina isn't even sure where she's hurrying off to, and her visions so blurred together she can hardly tell which direction is which. At some point, she stops running and just sits on the other side of a tree, throwing her head back to rest against the bark.

She wishes Finney was here. Or Gwen. Or both.

Hugging her legs to herself, she lets out soft whispers, wishing to whatever god was out there that he would stop punishing her.

"Hey? Valentina? Woah, woah, woah, you alright?" A masculine voice echoes from above her.

She peaks up to see a familiar face from earlier, Don.

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