27: Robin Arellano Gets What He Wants

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While Robin drifted into a deep slumber right after their dancing montage, Valentina had worked up quite the appetite and was hard at work preparing something good. As stoned as ever, she was determined to make the best meal for her palette.

In the end, she managed to conjure up an extremely messy and disorganized kitchen space, but also the best sour cream and chicken enchiladas she's ever laid eyes upon. With the traditional sides of rice and beans, of course.

Then, she had to face her mess and clean it before Finney and Gwen show up, which was always 15 minutes earlier than they said they would.

Just as she's washing her last dish, she hears her front door open and close. Instantly, she knows who it is, and quickly rinses off her dish and dries off her hands. When she exits the kitchen into the living room, sure enough, she finds Gwen and Finney sat on the couch with a plastic bag and container beside them.

"Mmmm, it smells so good! I'm starving!" Gwen cheerily greets. "What'd you make, Tini?"

"Your fave," she responds, jumping to sit across the two siblings laps.

Gwen laughs as the girls legs knock into her. She breaks into an excited grin, "SOUR CREAM ENCHILADAS?"

"Yes ma'am," she chuckles, leaning back on the arm of the couch and looking up at Finn. "Did your dad give you hell about coming over here again?"

"No, actually," he shakes his head, "he did ask me to bring food back though. If that's alright."

"Yeah, for sure, I made more than enough," she nods in agreement, moving to get off the two. "Wanna go help me wake up Robin?"

"He's really living here?" Gwen questions, half surprised. "I mean, I knew he was but at the same time I kind of can't believe it. Does your mom know? Is she ok with it?"

"No, no way," she shakes her head, leading them down the hall. "She has no clue, and she never can. We plan to introduce them to each other on Christmas Day though. Oh! And we wanna have something on New Years! Just us four? You guys down?"

"I am. I'm never missing out again," Gwen responds, following closely behind her into the room with Finn.

"Sounds fun," he agrees, eyes drifting to Robin's sleeping figure on the bed. "Is he feeling ok?"

"Yeah, he was just tired," Valentina assures, walking over to the edge of the bed. "So, who would like to do the honors?"

Gwen shrugs, pushing her shoes off and moving forward to climb onto the bed. The other two know exactly what she's planning and move to sit together on the window seat to simply observe. They watch as Gwen begins to bounce on the bed, slowly earning a grumpy groan out of Robin.

"Wake up, Arellano! Wake up!" Gwen shouts in a sing-song voice, bouncing on the space beside him and causing his body to bounce.

His eyes open and he offers a tired smile, "ughhhh, I'm up. I'm up."

"Good. I'm starving, and we can't eat without you!" She explains, falling onto the bed in a sitting position beside him. "You know, you're like totally the luckiest guy alive- Valentina is king in the kitchen."

"Trust me, I know," he agrees in a scratchy voice, looking over her at the other two. "Yo, Finn! Come get your crazy ass sister!"

"He's too much of a scaredy cat to pick a fight with me," she argues, grabbing his arm and pulling him forward. "Hurry upppp, I wanna eat! We brought cookies and soda!"

"Alright alright, I'm going," he laughs, climbing out of the bed and stretching. "Let's go."

Finney and Gwen jump towards the kitchen while Valentina stays seated on the window seat waiting for Robin. He takes steps towards her, and she finally stands up. Quickly, he wraps his arms lazily around her and she returns the hug.

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