17: Chocolate Brown Eyes and Strangers

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Robin wouldn't stop with the PDA all day. At every class he picked her up from, he would ask for a kiss on the cheek, like he just came home from working a long night at the factory or something. When dropping her off at a class, he would hug her tightly, as if she were going to war for the next 10 years.

Valentina doesn't mind at all. She happily plays into all of his requests, kissing his cheek and accepting his hugs graciously.

As the last class rolls around, Robin tunes out everything Mrs. Scott is saying and instead stares at Valentina with a loving stare. Why study chemistry when he can experience it first hand?

She keeps giving him side glances, noticing his distraction. Finally, when the teacher allows them to work as teams, she turns to him with a warning look.

"Stop! You need to pay attention. We can't afford to fail," she giggles, shaking her head. "Did you even hear anything she just taught us?"

"Nope," he shrugs shamelessly, unable to wipe the smile off his face. "Stop being so damn beautiful and I'll start paying attention."

As she goes to reply, she notices Lillian glaring in her peripheral vision. Her expression falls and she gives Robin a bothered look. He quickly picks up on it and follows her eyes to Lillian, who almost immediately turns back around in her chair.

He grimaces at her, rolling his eyes. "Is that gringa bothering you still?"

"Well, she hasn't spoke to me, but she always glares at me," she sighs in annoyance. "Whatever, it doesn't even matter. Let's just ignore her."

The two get back to work and Valentina basically has to re-teach the entire lesson to Robin. Thankfully, it's not too complicated and she is able to get it through to him pretty well.

Just in time, they finish their work and rush to turn it in before exiting the classroom.

He, of course, wastes no time and grabs her hand. Their fingers lace as they make their way down the hallway and to Ms. Jonie's classroom, where detention is supposed to be held.

As they reach the door, he pulls her aside with an annoyed expression. It's obvious why: he doesn't wanna go to detention and he also hates Ms. Jonie.

"Prefiero morir antes que estar aquí," he grumbles in agitation.

(Translation: I would rather die than be here.)

"No seas dramático," she chuckles, shaking her head.

(Translation: don't be dramatic.)

"Can't you go in with me?" He begs, leaning in with a pleading look. "You could pretend to have detention. And then you can come to my house again and stay the night-"

"Absolutely not," she quickly shuts him down, pushing his face back. "First of all, why should I suffer because you got into a fight? Also, definitely not staying the night on a school night. You know better."

"Ugh," he groans, falling forward against her and leaning down to rest his head on her shoulder. "This is why I fight off school grounds."

"Or maybe you shouldn't fight at all," she suggests, wrapping her arms around his torso while taking a deep breath. "You smell nice."

He smiles into her hair, "thanks. You smell good, too. Like vanilla. What do I smell like?"

"Clean laundry and cologne," she hums, appreciating the warmth he's radiating. "What am I gonna do with you? You're such a troublemaker, you know that?"

"You like it," he retaliates with a chuckle.

She can feel the smirk he has against her and rolls her eyes. Though she doesn't argue because, ultimately, he's right. I mean, she didn't necessarily like that specifically, but she did like him. And that was a quality that came with him, so she accepts it without complaint.

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