*apparently you guys don't know manners*

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What really tickles me is that people who leave aggressive/rude comments will be the same people desperate for a good fic and without the courage to write their own

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What really tickles me is that people who leave aggressive/rude comments will be the same people desperate for a good fic and without the courage to write their own. Please shut the hell up before you ruin it for everyone else.

Comments that are considered rude:

•degrading any character in anyway, whether it be the OC or another.
•making fun of character traits
-(many people, including myself, relate to a lot of the character traits described. So when you insult them, you're indirectly insulting an entire category of people)
•again, refer to the first bullets.

I get a lot of comments belittling characters for acting childish??? BUT THEY ARE CHILDREN. So yeah, lmao. They are certainly going to have the thought processes of a CHILD/TEEN.

Let me give you a psychological break down! 😁

The commenters who insist they are smart by calling out these behavioral patterns are failing to realize they're written that way for a reason beyond just age. Robin is a teen boy who was KIDNAPPED and BEAT within an inch of his life. If that isn't already traumatic enough, he is barely saved in time by his girlfriend and then immediately turned out by his mother. Who takes him in? Valentina! That is why he has an attachment issue to Valentina. That is why he cries for her and gets overwhelmed by the idea of being separated from her. They are trauma bonded.

Valentina had to relive her trauma for a second time, but this time came out successful. She has a developed hero complex as well as a trauma bond. She has no social skills beyond talking to Finney and Gwen before this, so yeah, most of her interactions with other people her age will come out strained and awkward. Have you ever heard of code switching? It's what you do when you talk to different groups of people- you change your speech patterns and behavior to feel more comfortable with them, and make them feel more comfortable with you. Valentina only knows 4 codes. Personality A: talking to her mom/other adults. Personality B: talking to Finney and Gwen. Personality C: talking to Robin (this would also be the one used to speak with Vance and because Robin is friends with Finney and Gwen, those last two are slowly becoming one.) Most people, have many codes and switch easily. That just isn't the case with her.

So yeah! A lot of it is cringey and awkward because they're teens. Teens with heavy traumas.

It really kills me that I have to become so defensive like this, but I wake up to your comments every morning. I use to look forward to them to see which parts people related to and found funny, but when you're waking up to hundreds of belittling comments first thing after you wake up, it is beyond discouraging and makes me want to stop writing altogether.

I am just a person, and I know some of you would HATE to wake up to the comments you leave me. Think about that before you drop one. How would you feel reading that comment?

Another thing that's off putting is when you all comment how you find Robin having a break down funny? Like ok? How cool of you!!! This poor boy who is having an actual melt down and who's been through the ringer in life is crying, which is very much out of his comfort zone, but you find it funny! What do you want a prize for that or something?

Congrats, you win the edgiest teen award 💞

When I say all this, it's not only for myself. I've had multiple other fanfic authors come to me about harassment in the comment section. I'm sure a lot of you jump Robin fics, so if you ever see it- shut it down. If you're doing it, kindly stop. No one thinks you're cool or helping when you point out what you deem a character flaw. Some of the stuff I see commented is just straight up insulting. I'm sure slcw-dance can back me up here.

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