Remember where you came from.

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I jolted up. I was sure I had a nightmare but couldn't remember what it was about. It wasn't all that rare for me to have nightmares, but most of the time I got plenty of sleep. I looked at the time, I still had about half an hour until I was supposed to get up.

I stood up and yawned, then walked over to the mirror. My body was covered in scars, most of them being from training. With a couple being lessons I had to learn. And then there was my left ear. A piece of it had been taken off, a lesson I needed to learn.

I pulled my eyes away from the mirror and got myself ready, putting on my scout uniform. To everyone else I was nothing more than the powerless recruit, someone who had to work twice as hard just to be at the same level as their fellows. But that wasn't the full truth. I was the nephew of Emperor Belos, and that was a secret that he forbid me from telling anyone, as well as the reason I was in the Emperor's Coven at all.

The rest of our family was killed by wild witches and Belos had unquestionably taken me in to protect me, and I did everything I could to keep him from regretting that decision.

My thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door. I looked at the time, still over 10 minutes until I had to get up. I put my mask on and opened the door.

Standing there was a scout, much taller(and probably older) than me.

"The Emperor wishes for me to escort you to him Hunter." I nodded and we started on our way.

As we walked I couldn't help but wonder what he needed, since I had started my training I had seen him even less than before(and I only saw him about once a week if I was lucky) I couldn't help but be a little nervous, but I was also excited. Usually when he had me come to him it was because he needed something, and I was always excited about what it might be. I would do anything to make my uncle proud.

Soon we came up to the door and the Scout I was with knocked on it.

The Door opened and we both walked in, I saw a glimpse of my uncle before both of us kneeled before him. I heard him walking towards us.

"thank you for bringing him to me you are dismissed." Belos said calmly. "Also close the door on your way out." I heard the doors closing as he said that.

"You may rise Hunter. And please take your mask off, it's just us now." I heard him say in a soft voice. It was a voice that made you feel like you could trust him but there was always something else there I couldn't and wouldn't place. I stood up and removed my mask looking at him. As usual he was wearing a wooden mask that his his face, only showing his eyes.

I looked at my uncle waiting for Instructions, I knew better than to talk out of line. I watched as he motioned for me to come with him, and still saying nothing I followed him.

Soon we came to a dark room, I could remember this place. This was where I spent my childhood after he found me. No one was to know that Belos had family, much less that his nephew was living with him. So I had spent my years before becoming a scout here. There was tunnels that lead to the library and other places so I could entertain myself and uncle always made sure I was fed. But still I could remember the trapped feeling I got from this place, and how much I hated being locked in here every night before bed. How scared I was of the idea of the wild witches finding me.

"Do you know why I've brought you here Hunter?"

He asked in the same soft voice. I shook my head, waiting. He smiled softly.

"You remember your life here correct?" I nodded, still keeping my eyes on him.

"Well I want you to remember this place from now on, I understand that you have started your work at a scout and I am proud of you for that." I felt myself stand a little taller as he said that "But don't forget where you came from, or the lessons you learned in this place."

I nodded and made sure to give him a look telling him I understand.

"Your dismissed." He told me, and with that I walked to my room. Feeling better than ever. He was proud of me.

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