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I was clinging to my plush. I was crying and shaking, why didn't he ever make time for me? Why didn't he love me? He almost never even visited me. I heard the door open, I flinched and tried to make it look like I wasn't crying.

"Hunter, what did I say about showing weakness?" I heard the only voice I ever heard other than my own ask. I turned to see my uncle standing there.

"I-I'm s-s-sorry." I stuttered, unable to stop the tears.

He shook his head and had a disappointed look on his face.

"Hunter this is the third time in these last couple of weeks that I've caught you crying while I'm not around. I've been merciful before." I watched as his hand changed and started backing away in fear.

"No! please no! I'm sorry it won't happen again! Please no!" I started begging desperately.

"I'm sorry Hunter but you've given me no choice. I don't want to do this, but you need to learn." His black goop went after me and I felt horrible pain in my right ear. I fell to the ground and covered it with my hand as tears continued to fall from my face. I could feel the blood on my hand. I tried to hold back tears and couldn't help but shake. Why does he hate me so much?

I bolted up and put my hand on my right ear. I could still remember how much it hurt when he did that. I didn't understand back then, he was doing that to get me ready. He was preparing me for what was to come. He knew that weakness was unacceptable in The Emperor's Coven. He was protecting me by teaching me what was good and bad. The missing part of my ear was a reminder why I never cried. Crying was weakness that could and would be used against me.

I looked at the time, still 3 hours until I was required to get up. I sighed. I knew I wouldn't be able to fall back asleep. Not after a nightmare. I never had good dreams. I either had dreamless sleep, which was getting more and more rare, or nightmares. The max amount of sleep I ever got anymore was 4 hours a day, and that was if I slept.

My nightmares were always memories. Sometimes they were about missions I failed, sometimes they were about the time I was alone in the darkness of my old room, sometimes they were about my episodes which I've had more of in the past year, but most of the time they were about my punishments. Electrocution, standing in the rain, bones being broken, getting new scars, and so many others. I knew I deserved them. But that didn't make them hurt any less. I hated the scars most of all. They were permanent. The rest would heal eventually(though the electrocution tended to reopen my scars, as well as sometimes giving me more).

I hated the scars for so many reasons. They were the reason why I hated my body, why I couldn't look at myself in the mirror without finding multiple different things wrong with myself.

I didn't move and continued lying in bed. I considered reading but knew I wouldn't be able to focus. I looked at my hands. I always wore gloves, even when I was sleeping. I stared at them for a moment considering what I could do before eventually deciding against it. Whenever I did it, I did it with the intention that The Titan itself would be able to decide whether or not I survived. It was what I deserved for failing.

I spent the next 3 hours just lying on my bed, I kept my mind blank until my alarm went off signaling it was time to get up. I knew that my uncle had said he had missions for me to do as soon as I woke up and got dressed.

This wasn't the first time, and wouldn't be the last that I would spend hours on my bed doing nothing.

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