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After my success on my first mission I had never felt better. I honestly don't remember much. I remember being on guard duty, falling, and then being woken up by the captain with 20 moonlight roses in my hand. I ended up being sick in bed for two weeks afterwards.

As soon as I was able to work again I was given a new schedule, a new room, a small device that beeped when I was needed for a mission, and was allowed a crystal ball(that one being a gift from my uncle for my success). My new schedule consisted of waking up an hour earlier than before, training, guarding the halls every other day, more training when I'm not guarding the halls, going on missions when required, sleep, eating if I have time, and repeat.

By the end of my first month with this schedule I was to tired to eat dinner but the end of the day. Also I barely had time to eat other meals. Though I was still able to manage one meal a day(usually lunch). I also started to notice that I was gaining bags under my eyes, it was all worth it though!

Belos had told me how proud he was about my success, especially since I hadn't failed on any of my missions. Before I knew it I had been doing this for over 3 months, and my 13th birthday came and went.

I just finished with training and luckily had enough time to eat breakfast before my shift guarding the halls. But before I could get to the cafeteria I heard a small beep, signaling I was needed. I turned around and walked in the direction of the place I needed to go before missions, I could eat lunch if we get back in time.


NO, NO, NO, NO, NO! THIS WAS ALL MY FAULT! Our goal for the mission was so simple, AND I MESSED IT ALL UP! I was currently sitting in my room, the mission had been a complete failure. Our goal was to kill a beast that had been killing anything that entered the swamplands on the other side of the boiling Ilse. However when I found it asleep, I hesitated to kill it and accidentally stepped on a twig. It woke up. That lead to half the scouts dying, and others(myself included) being seriously injured.

My arm had been completely shattered when the beast stepped on it. And it would take at least two months before my arm would come out of the cast, and even longer before it fully healed. And that was with healers working on it. But I didn't care about that.

This was all my fault! If I had killed it while it was still asleep this never would have happened. I killed them. And to make things worst I knew that my uncle would be disappointed with me. I didn't let myself cry, but it was tempting. I was a failure, I didn't deserve to be here. Especially after what my mistake caused. I didn't deserve to exist when I-

My thoughts were interrupted by loud knocking on my door.

"Scout! The Emperor wishes to see you about the the failure of the last mission."

I shuddered. Standing up I put my mask back on and walked to the throne room, my head held down in shame. I opened the doors and walked in. I looked up to see Emperor Belos looking down on me, his mask gone, with a face of disappointment. I felt myself shrink under his gaze.

"I've been informed of your recent failure Hunter, and where do I begin? You hesitated to kill the beast while it was still asleep, this causing the deaths of half the scouts I sent on that mission. I am extremely disappointed in you Hunter." I felt myself shrink even more, I was a disappointment. "I was planning on telling you this when you were older, but I think it's important I tell you now. The Titan has big plans for you Hunter, and due to this I'm not the only one disappointed." He finished in a calm voice filled with disappointment.

I was horrified. I didn't know, but it made my failure all the more worse. Not only had I disappointed the person who had taken me in and raised me as there own. But I also disappointed the Titan. Something that horrified me more than the blood on my hands.

"However the Titan informed me they are willing to forgive this as am I, but first you must face punishment for your mistake."

I nodded, I didn't deserve there forgiveness. And I didn't care what the punishment was. I would take it. It was the least I could do.

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