Forgotten Memories

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I stared at the potion Estera had given me. When we made our plan she had revealed that she used Bard, Oracle, and Potion magic. In fact her Oracle magic was the reason she was here. She had a been practicing her Oracle magic and was shocked when she suddenly realized there would be a 1 in 3 change that she would find me here. So when she was given an offer to come she agreed immediately.

Due to certain laws until she either turned 18 or reached her full magical potential. Therefore she still didn't have a sigil. Even though that was compromised due to the circumstances for the Hexside students. Apparently she was quite the prodigy when it came to magic as well, as after trying for over a year she was finally about to make a potion that could bring my memories back. Even though it was supposed to be impossible. When I had asked why she was in the Emperor's Coven without a sigil she said I would understand afterwards.

She had already explained everything to the others, minus a few details, and now was the time. When I drank the potion I would pass out and wouldn't wake up until all of my forgotten memories were returned. Estera informed me she didn't know how it worked exactly because she couldn't test it. But knew it would work. I was also required to be alone as other people could mess up the process. Therefore I was alone in the healing room.

I decided not to wait any longer and drank the potion. The tube was thin and no longer than than my palm, so I chucked it all down fairly easily and immediately felt the effects. Falling asleep almost instantly.

I opened my eyes in what seemed to be endless darkness. I started looking around, wondering what this had to do with remembering everything when I came to 10 doors. Each one was closed, with their being a number on each, seemingly in a random order. 5,7,4,1,3,8,10,6,2,9.

"What's going on?" I wondered out loud.

I walked up to the first door, number 5. But suddenly got a huge feeling of wrongness like I shouldn't open the door just yet. So I walked around until I came to 1. I got the feeling I needed to open this one first so I did just that and walked in.

I saw that I was back in the castle, infront of the doors to the throne room. Then I saw a scout walking to the doors. They opened them and walked in, seemingly not able to see me. I decided to follow them in. I watched as they came up to Belos sitting on his throne. I flinched as he seemed to be staring right at me.

"Hunter, there you are. I've brought you here for one major reason." He told the scout. I felt my eyes go wide.

I watched as the scout, me, nodded his head
waiting for instructions.

"Remember the rumors that a monster had been rampaging through the south of the Boiling Isles?" His tone inviting. I flinched.

"Yes, you told me about it while I was still in hiding. You were never able to find any leads though." My past self answered.

I thought about that for a second. That monster was actually real, it was slain by the Coven scouts, with only one surviving. I was still a 13 year old scout when it happened.

"We were able to finally find it, however it wasn't what we thought. Turns out it was a cursed little girl." What!? That couldn't be true! This never happened! Unless......


"Yes, and she put up quite a fight. she killed almost everyone I had sent for her, only one survived and managed to sedate her."

"Seriously!? Where is she now?"

"She's being held in the maximum security cells. We give her food twice a day, and the cell has a built in bathroom. We've been keeping a close eye on her. We were able to learn certain things about her quite easily."

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