Labyrinth Runners pt.3

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Me and Estera were staring at the scouts guarding the door. We both had taken a potion Estera had made that kept you invisible until you opened your mouth. The goal was to cause a distraction, get in, save Gus, get out. We had a way we were going to do it as well. Just as we were about to do it I saw the principal and put a hand on Estera's shoulder, signaling that we couldn't move yet. We had made multiple signals for this mission. She looked confused but I pointed at the principal and she seemed to understand.

We were behind the corner, not risking coming closer until we started the plan. As we watched the students come out I looked at Estera and made the hand signal meaning we would be switching to plan B, it was a plan we had specifically made in case the students got involved. Use them as a distraction, get in, save Gus, make sure he doesn't realize it's us, get out before they see us. The two of us proceeded to start on plan B, flying above them using our palismen and dodging when necessary. Once we got to the door we dismounted and held out staffs, then we entered to a shocking sight.

Adrian and the scout were all on the floor muttering things I couldn't understand. All of there eyes were the same blue Gus's right eye had been. While Gus was in a blue, glowing, illusion, ball, thing. I looked at Estera and made the hand signal for her to guard the door while I got Gus out. She nodded and walked over to the door holding her staff I walked carefully to the thing Gus was in. I let go of my staff and he turned into Flapjack as I touched it. Something I immediately regretted.

I suddenly was overwhelmed with all of my worst memories. Including all of the times Belos had punished me, as well as everything that had happened in Belos's mind. I was overwhelmed, I wanted it to be over, I didn't want to remember! Nothing existed but me and this memories, I was trapped.




I let out a scream, clinging to my hair as hard as I could as I remembered all of my worst memories, over and over.




All that mattered was I wanted it to be over. I didn't want to ever remember any of this anymore!

Make it stop!

Please make it stop!

I felt something try to grab my hands and I immediately pushed it away.




I clung to something different as I shook on the ground.

please make it stop!




I just wanting it to be over! I didn't care how. Then suddenly I got my wish. I felt someone help me up off the ground, I looked around in a daze, not really taking anything in, before locking eyes with the person helping me, I saw a familiar green eye before passing out.


I felt my eyes open slowly, I was laying on a bed alone bringing a slight sense of deja vu.  I looked around and realized I was in the healing room. I couldn't remember how or why I was there. Did the scouts win? I doubt it. More than likely that victory went to the Hexside students. Then why was I here? One of the reasons we kept ourselves hidden was because we were sure the students would happily turn me in the the coven.

So why would they keep me around? Did they want to use me as a hostage? to interrogate me? Use me as bargaining tool? Gain information on The Emperor's Coven only a high ranker like me would know? This possiblity's were endless. But I was sure they didn't keep me around because they wanted to be my friends. I thought back and tried to remember what happened. Thinking it might give me some clues.

Estera had agreed to keep watch at the door while I saved Gus. I had been walking up to that thing, then I had touched it and everything went blank. I tried and failed to remember anything, looking at my arms seeing if they had any evidence as to what happened. My gloves were covered in blood and my arms had bandages over certain spots. Weird.

Speaking of Estera......

Where is she? If they kept me here wouldn't they keep Estera to? I knew she wouldn't just leave me here either. I couldn't help but start worrying. It was weird, this was the first time I had ever felt so protective of someone, especially when I barely knew her. The only other thing I could think of that I cared about that way was Flapjack. Who wasn't here either. Though that one felt like a given. I couldn't use magic without him, of course they would keep him away from me. The students wouldn't hurt Flapjack either, so I wasn't as worried. I flinched as I heard the door open and immediately looked over at the door.

I recognized the person in the doorway.

"Your awake!" Viney said in a relieved voice.

"Viney?" I asked, why was she her? If they wanted to send someone in who knew me for interrogations why would they send her?

I was also surprised by how relieved she seemed.

"What happened?" I asked. I didn't feel like letting her know what I suspected she was here for, plus I actually really wanted to know what happened to lead up to this. If she decided not to tell me, fine.

She closed the door and walked up to me. Sitting on the bed across to me.

"I hope your ready. I don't think you be happy with what happened."

"I'll be fine."

By the time she finished explaining I was shocked. The thing that had been surrounding Gus caused anyone who touched it to have to remember all of there worst memories over and over. I had apparently reacted worst than anyone. When I let out a scream Estera had immediately run up to me to try to help, however her efforts ended up doing more harm than good. I had been clinging onto my hair and when she to make me stop it only made things worst. I had been sitting on the floor, but when she tried to help I had pushed her away and laid on the floor curled up sinking my fingernails into my skin from behind my gloves.

Eventually Willow and Amity found us, Estera had apparently refused to let them touch me, when they tried she threatened to attack and made them instead focus on getting Gus out. Once they helped him everyone who was affected snapped out of it, myself included. I had woken up for a little bit, in a daze. I ended up passing out. The reason I couldn't remember was a side affect. The worse your memories the more you'll forget.

After I had passed out Estera had refused to let Willow or Amity even touch me. Apparently she had been very protective. Eventually they came to a compromise. They would take and heal me while she explained what happened via pencil and paper since she was mute. Since Viney was the best healer the put her in charge of taking care of me.

"How long was I out?" I asked, still in shock.

"3 hours, we tried to wake you up multiple times but you slept like a baby." She responded. I felt my jaw drop.

"3 hours!?" I asked in a shocked voice. It had been that long!?!

She nodded and I thought to myself about what happened. Her explanation made me realize all they wanted to do was help, and I couldn't help but be surprised.

"We promised Estera we would tell her as soon as you woke up, you think you're ready?"

I stood up. "I'd like to come with you to see her."

"Alright, just remember to take it easy on your arms though."

I nodded as we left the room.

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