The first mission

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It had been a while since the petrification and I was getting better at doing my chores. By the time a month had passed if I skipped breakfast and lunch and started working as soon I woke up I could finish just in time for dinner! Even if I was losing pounds, and even if I would pass out as soon as I landed on my bed, it was worth it.

It continued like this until I was woken up an hour earlier than usual.

"Scout! The Emperor wishes for you to come see him. Go to the throne room once your done changing."

"Got it!" I yelled out.

I felt excited as I put on my uniform, I didn't know what he wanted but I was hopeful. Uncle had told me that he would be paying attention to my progress. So I hoped for the best as I walked to the throne room.

I opened the doors and saw that uncle was facing away from me as I entered. I made sure my presence was known. After a bit of me standing around he turned to face me.

"Do you know why I've called you here Hunter?" His tone signaling I wasn't to talk. I shook my head looking at him.

"Well I've noticed performance on chores has increased, and I mast say I'm impressed. Most of our scouts improve slowly over time. I can't remember the last time we've had one be able to do everything required in such a short amount of time." He stated.

I felt myself stand taller, this was better than anything else I could think of. I would do anything just to hear his praise again. To know I was worthy, that I could do this to prove it wasn't a mistake for him to take me in. That I was enough.

"So I've decided to send you on your first mission." He finished in an inviting tone.

"R-really!?" I asked, this was a dream come true.

"Yes if it's a success you'll be considered a real part of the Emperor's coven from now on and be given a new schedule. If not, well I'll be very disappointed." In the same inviting tone. Disappointing him was the worst thing I could do. I couldn't fail no matter what!

"I swear I won't let you down!" I told him, I was determined to keep that promise.


I followed the rest of the scouts as we climbed the snowy mountain. Despite the sun being out I could feel myself shaking in my uniform from the cold. I could feel the sheath of my sword rubbing against my skin. I had been given it to protect myself against whatever we would be facing.

Our mission was simple. Go to moonlight rose garden using a map, destroy the force field around it, take at least a dozen flowers, bring them back to The Emperor. We had a week to finish it, if we didn't come back with results by then we would be presumed dead unless we came back alive. Honestly I would rather die than come back empty-handed, especially on my first mission.

Once we came to the top of the mountain the captain turned to us.

"Alright. The garden only appears at night. So we'll be camping out here until then. Each of you will be given a different job. Remember to keep your guard up." They told us.

After each scout was given a job everyone went to work. My job was to guard a certain area(others guarded different areas) while other scouts put up tents, set down supplies, and worked on collecting the things we needed for a fire. I kept my hand on the handle of my sword. I had trained with multiple weapons, swords included, to make up for having no magic. And I mentally recited all of the tips I had been given by my trainer while learning how to use it. To say I was nervous would be an understatement. I had never left the castle in my life except under controlled circumstances, and it was unnerving to say the least. Eventually my turn was over and a different scout took over. I walked over to the fire that had been made and put my hands up to it shivering. I had never felt so cold in my life.

As the sun started to set it got even colder than before and I was doing my best to not freeze. Soon the captain handed out potions  to enhance our natural body heat. As I drank mine I sighed out in relief. I felt the temperature rise over ten degrees. My turn on guard duty came again and I went straight to work. They handed me a lightlamp, a special lamp that held light magic. It was the only reason I wasn't tripping over myself as I guarded my area. The crunching of my own footsteps in snow filling my ears.

I felt myself slip and started falling, dropping the Lightlamp in the process. landed in a thick patch of snow and looked around. It started snowing and I felt the snow touch my face. I must have lost my mask in the fall. I could barely see anything as I walked. Then I saw a faint glow and started walking towards it. I gasped as I saw a field full of roses that glowed like the moon. Was this the moonlight rose garden?

I started walking towards it, the roses were enchantingly beautiful. They were a red tinted silver and glowed brightly. As I got closer all I cared about was being as close to them as I could. I felt myself step through something but I didn't care. I just wanted to be near those-

I felt something hit my face and I fell to the ground. What happened!? The last thing I could remember was tripping and falling, then I started looking for a way back. And-

"You should feel lucky I broke you out of there trance." I turned to the sound of the voice and saw a young girl who looked no older than 6, glaring daggers at me. She wore a red sleeveless dress without shoes. Her pointed ears poked through her shoulder length blood red hair. I was unable to tell what color her eyes were due to the distance between us. And her face looked ghostly pale, being illuminated by silver light.

"Who are you?" I questioned in shock.

"I could ask you the same thing." She told me, still glaring.

"Fine, my name is Hunter and I'm a scout working for Emperor Belos. Your turn." I told her.

"The names May. Aren't you a bit young to be working for the Emperor?" She asked in a bratty voice.

"Aren't you a bit young to be alone without adult supervision?" I countered.

"Actually I'm an immortal being stuck in the body of a six year old, who's job is to guard this garden. What's your excuse?"

"I'm mature and smart enough to be allowed this opportunity."

"Sound like child labor to me."

"Sounds like you don't know what your talking about to me."

I watched as the girl started laughing. I didn't know whether to be insulted or nervous. Then I remembered the first thing she told me.

"What did you mean by there trance?" I asked.

She her smile disappeared. "I forgot people forget what happened while they were in the trance, Look." She pointed and I gasped. There was the moonlight rose garden. I was shocked by how the roses looked. They- I felt something get thrown at my face again and I jerked away. Realizing what looking at them was doing to me.

"You see?"

I nodded looking at her.

"Why does that happen?"

"Only people younger than 13 can enter through the force field. This is because the Roses want to drag in children and keep them young and playing with them forever. If you stay here until day they will bring you to the other children this place has captured."

"I've never heard of the Moonlight Rose garden taking children."

"That's because the children it takes are erased from the memories of the people who exist here. Once a child is captured it belongs to the garden."

"Why did you save me then?"

"My job is to guard the garden. Whenever someone enters the garden I see into there possible futures. And you are to important to be claimed by the garden."

"But I'm just a scout. This is just my first mission as well. What's so important about me?"

"Even if I told you you wouldn't remember. I'll pick the flowers you need, as passing this mission is important to your future."

"You're giving me the Roses!?"

"Yes. I wish you luck, former Golden Guard."

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