Labyrinth Runners pt.1

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I was waiting for Flapjack to come back, after I made him promise to be careful he had left to try to find something other than HexMix to try to convince me to eat. Then he came freaking out telling me that Gus had followed him there and I immediately was nervous. I watched as he pointed his staff at me.

"What are you doing here Golden Guard!?" He demanded. I felt something in me change hearing him call me that.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" I asked in a taunting voice, "But rest assured Gus, I-" I felt my eyes go wide as I heard Flapjack making ruckus in my temporary home. Shit. His gaze looked at my current predicament and I immediately covered it with myself feeling my face heat up. Embarrassed someone saw me like this.

He lowered his staff, "I'll ask you one more time. What are you doing here, Hunter?" He asked normally.

I stared at him suspiciously, not sure what to think of his sudden change of heart. Then Flapjack started pulling at the strand of my hair always out of place, telling me to say something.

"Ok fine!" I told Flapjack angrily once I was done having my own palismen attack me. He sat on my shoulder as I turned my attention to Gus, "The truth is my living situation has been compromised, maybe! So I just need a place to crash, temporary! Hexside... was the only place I could think of...."

"How very vague of you." He said, then right after there was an announcement telling all students to go to the auditorium.

"I don't know what your going through but that much Hex Mix can't be good for your stomach." As he said this he used magic to make a bag appear. I looked inside to see a sandwich along with some fruit, and watched as he ran out.

I understood the sentiment but... I threw the food at my makeshift bed deciding I would save it for if I had no choice but to eat. Flapjack looked at me and asked me what I was going to do now, and against my better judgement I followed after him hiding Flapjack in my cape just in case.

I eventually made it to the auditorium after almost getting lost a couple times, luckily my nighttime walks of the school helped me find the place. I saw Adrian and immediately got a bad feeling. I knew from multiple conversations with him about his undying loyalty to Belos, much like I used to be. He was as also acting nothing like he normally does, as I looked at them from behind the door he just finished introducing what seemed to be a 14 year old girl with dark teal and purple hair, an eye patch covering her left eye and the right being light green, and a cyan and purple outfit. All I was able to here was the ending of her name, Era. She seemed annoyed and had her arms crossed, I was to far away to make out her expression.

I watched as things played out, my suspicions were proven correct when the illusion was destroyed. I didn't want to interfere in fear of being recognized by Adrian, but I eventually couldn't stay back anymore as everything evolved into chaos after a huge illusion was cast. I ran up to them and pushed Adrian away grabbing Gus's hand and running away through the illusion until hitting a wall and falling to the ground.

We ended up eventually making it out, even if we hit a couple of hiccups. We had run into two scouts and they tried to arrest Gus. I tried to fight back, but due to how little I've been sleeping and eating, and the fact I hadn't trained the last week I was easily defeated. They recognized me though and set me free from the abominations goo they had captured me in and apologized explaining the situation to me. They even remarked 'we were on the same side'. I could remember how badly I was freaking out, trying my best not to show it as they said that Belos had sent a search warrant out for me and was 'worried sick'. As soon as we had escaped though I couldn't help but freak out, having another episode. I didn't even care that there was someone else around. Gus even helped me calm down, though I still was distrustful of him. He asked if I had left The Emperor's Coven and I nodded. I made it blatantly clear I didn't trust him though. He seemed unfazed. Then said we needed to keep moving.

Once we were out we ran into Willow fairly quickly, which I was nervous and started dusting myself off as Gus talked to her. Something felt off, and I put myself between Gus and Willow before the disguise reveal that 'Willow' was actually a coven scout with Adrian appearing as well. I grabbed Gus and ran until I saw him coming from the hallway.

"Belos?" I asked softly, feeling myself fill with fear before being pushed to the ground as it was revealed to be two coven scouts. Adrian yelled at them to tie me up.

Out of pure desperate I yelled at the scouts, "I order you to stop!" To which they actually stopped and looked at Adrian.

"He is our superior." One of them said and I tried not to sigh in relief.

"Well right now he's just a runaway, and The Emperor wants him back. So tie him up." One of the scouts grabbed me and I fought back before they eventually took out a sleeping flute and started playing, releasing sleeping magic. I felt myself start to fill with exhaustion, watching Adrian restraining Gus. Soon against my own will, I fell into a deep dreamless sleep.

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