The Coven Convention

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Estera was really starting to thrive. She had recently started practicing her magic and we learned her curse seemed to be the opposite of the Owl Ladies curse. While the Owl Ladies took away her magic, Estera's seemed to enhance it. She could do things that were normally impossible. However like all people she was better at some types of magic then others. Her strength lies in Bard, Potions, and Oracle. Due to this she was given a guitar(her instrument of chose), ingredients and a pot, as well as her own crystal ball. She had gotten better control over her curse to. It had gotten to the point I didn't even bother bringing the tracking device with me when I visit her anymore(not like I ever used it anyway).

The Coven convention was coming up, it was a special conversation where everyone was able to check out all of the covens. As well as the time where everyone joined once they reached the right age. It also just so happened to be on the day I spend with Estera each week. I wanted to take Estera to it. She had told me that she was happy in the castle, but wished she could see the outside world without being afraid of hurting others with her curse. I had never really been interested in going before, I mean I was already in the best Coven. Why would I bother checking out the others? But this was an opportunity for her to see the outside world without arising suspicion. I mean, who would question an 11 year old checking out different stands? Especially when she would be reaching the age that people usually start practicing magic in school.

I had been called for my report on Estera. Once a month I gave a report on her behavior, how the tests were going, her progress on magic and her curse and anything she told me that would be important the Emperor. I hoped I could ask to take her to the convention, but didn't want to overstep. After all I owed everything to my uncle, what right do I have to ask him for anything more than I already have?

I opened the doors and entered. My uncle was sitting on his throne.

"Your report." He told me in an inviting tone.

I told him my report, making sure to include everything that he needed to know, nothing more nothing less. Estera is progressing with her magic, important. We have fun with each other, not important.

Once I finished I stood and waited. I hoped I would have the chance, but felt extremely guilty. It was stupid to ask him for something when he was the reason I had everything I did now. But at the same time I couldn't stop thinking about how much Estera would enjoy herself.

"Is something bothering you Hunter?" He asked me in an inviting tone.

"I wanted to ask if I could bring Estera to the Coven Convention. It wouldn't be suspicious and it's already happening on the day of the week we spend together." I got everything out as quickly as possible and prepared myself for him to punish me for overstepping if it was to much.

"I don't see a problem with that, but I have a couple of rules you'll have to follow." His tone no longer inviting.

I nodded and couldn't help but be relieved.


Me and Estera were walking through the streets of Bonesborough. I was wearing my casual outfit while she was clinging to me as we walked. She had been ecstatic when I had told her, but I could understand her nervousness. Once we got to the Convention I took her into a private place.

"Remember all of the rules?" I asked looking straight at her.

She nodded.

The two of use had gone over the rules together multiple times before leaving to make sure we remembered them.
1. Stay together
2. If anyone asks you are half siblings
3. Avoid talking to other people
4. Keep the tracking device on you at all times(that one was just for me)

We entered together and both gasped. I had never seen anything like it. There were 9 separate areas for each coven with a tent for the Emperor's being front and center. All around us were people of all different ages, shapes, and sizes. I looked over and saw the excitement in her eyes as she dragged me to check out each of them. I really enjoyed myself and I could see she was to. Eventually she wanted to do a palm reading in the Oracle tent, and only one person is allowed at a time. So I agreed to stand outside the tent while she did that.

While I was waiting I heard snickering, and looked over to see a head of green hair. I walked over and saw a boy who looked my age and looking at something while he snickered. His gaze was stuck on something.

"What are you doing?" I asked him crossing my arm's.

He flinched violently and looked over and saw me.

"Dude don't scared me like that next time!" He whisper yelled, "Now get down here, it's about to happen!" He grabbed my hand, hiding me behind the stand and pointed. I looked where he was pointing and saw it was the abominations stands. I was about to ask what was going to happen when the vats suddenly exploded. Covering everyone around in purple abomination goop.

I gasped as he broke down laughing. The people around were furiously trying to clean up the mess. I even recognized some of the scouts trying to find the person who did it. I was shocked no one had gotten hurt. I felt him grab my hand and run off before they could find us.

"What was that!?" I asked him furiously.

"Hilarious that what! This was one of my best pranks!" He explained still laughing.

"You do this on a regular basis!?" I asked dumbfounded.

"Of course! It's one of my favorite pastimes! I don't think I've seen you before, what brings you here Blondie?"

"I'm checking out the Covens with my sister-" then I realized. "Shit! I was supposed to stay outside the tent!" I immediately ran back and saw Estera standing outside of it shaking, I could tell she was trying her best not to freak out.

She saw me and immediately ran up and hugged me.

"I'm so sorry Est!" I said as she clung to me.

"So this is your sister?" I heard the voice of the boy ask. Estera hid behind me as I turned to face him.

"You two look nothing alike." He noted looking at her.

"We're half siblings." I told him as she started calming down.

"That explains it! Technically I have a twin sister but she's sick right now. So I'm here with mittens!"

"Mittens?" I asked tilting my head slightly in confusion.

"That's her nickname! Her real name is Amity." He told me proudly.

"What your name?" I asked looking at him.

"Edric! You can call me Ed. What's yours?"

"I'm Hunter and this is Estera." I said motioning to her.

"And her nicknames Est? I heard you call her that."

I nod.

"Is she shy? She hasn't said anything."

I felt her grip tighten.

"She's mute. Usually she uses a Magic Board to talk but our parents didn't allow her to bring it here in case she lost in."

"Oh! Well want to go check out the Covens together?" He offered me his hand.

I looked over at Estera and she nodded with a smile.

"Alright." I took his hand.

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