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The petrification of multiple wild witches was coming up and I was both excited and nervous. I had never been around for a petrification before and I had always wanted to see them get what they deserved. I had even read the book one of them wrote. It wasn't as bad as other wild witches books, but the amount of promotion of wild magic in it was disgusting.

Today everyone had the day off too watch the petrification. Only certain scouts still had to work, and that was because we needed them to keep the crowds in line and guard the cage(my job was the former). Even they were still watching. Petrification was one of the most celebrated things in our world. And nobody wanted to miss it. Which is why we had active reporters there for people who couldn't make it.

My uncle had asked me to meet him in the throne room a couple of hours beforehand. I had put on my uniform after waking up and immediately started walking. I wasn't sure why he wanted to see me but there was no way I wouldn't show up.

Once I came to the doors I opened them with not too much trouble. It was a bit hard but I was strong enough to open them long enough to go through. As I walked into the throne room I saw my Uncle looking out the window.

He turned to my footsteps and motioned for me to come over. I did so without saying anything. He put his hand on my shoulder and I made sure not to flinch. Doing that would be weakness, something I cannot and will not show.

"You may remove your mask." He told me going back to facing the window. I took my mask off and held it in my hands. Afterwards looking out the window with him and seeing the place the petrification would take place. There was already a crown getting ready for it.

"Are you excited for the petrification?" He asked in an inviting tone still facing the window, signaling that I was allowed to talk.

"Yes I am, I read the book one of the wild Witches wrote and the sheer amount of promotion of wild magic was enough to make anyone throw up. I will be happy to see them and all the others be put in there place." I said still looking out the window with him.

"Which one's book?" He said it like a question but his tone told me I needed to answer.

"Marshella Blook"(I just made this name up)
I said still looking out the window.

"Ah, did you know she evaded capture by putting an illusion of a coven sigil on her wrist?" I heard my Uncle ask it the same inviting tone.

"It wasn't mentioned in the book but I learned from a couple of other scouts about it soon after her capture. I also learned that her book was how we learned about her practice of wild magic in the first place." I responded.

"Correct. Would you like to see her before her petrification?" He asked me.

"Wh-what!? You would allow that!?" I asked in shock, then silently cursed myself for the outburst.

He took off his mask and gave me a smile.

"Of course, I would love to see her realize that the only one to read her book fully saw right through her lies." He said looking down on me with the smile still plastered onto his face.

"I would like that." I said looking at my uncle.

"Then let us go, also please take your mask off in front of her while you talk to her. I want her to see your face." We put our masks back on and used one of the tunnels to get to the dungeon. There were no guards as everyone was getting ready for the petrification.

"Alright you have an hour before I send scouts down here to move the cage. I expect you to have left at least 10 minutes beforehand. I need to get ready." I nodded. His voice signifying I wasn't permitted to talk.

I walked over and saw that he had taken me to a dungeon only holding Marshella. It made sense he would keep the wild witches apart so they couldn't plot against him while no one else was around. She saw me and sneered.

"What are you doing here?" She spat looking at me clothes in disgust.

"Simple, I was allowed by the Emperor to visit you before the others came to take you away." I told her.

"Oh and why is that?" She sneered out.

"Simple, I recently finished reading your book and I must say I'm impressed." I told her in a fake excited voice.

"Really?" She asked looking at me, seemingly genuinely surprised.

I took my mask off and looked at her, and I heard her gasp softly when she saw my face.

"Yep I never thought someone could ever put so much promotion of wild magic in one book without me throwing up, congratulations!" I don't really know where I got the smug sarcasm from. I had to admit though, it felt good looking down on someone I knew was lesser than me.

I looked at her and she was looking at me in shock.

"Um, hello? Are you going to say anything or-"

"How old are you!?" She interrupted.

"Why do you want to know?" I spat at her, it was my turn to be rude. She was a wild witch, why should I give her any respect?

"Because I thought Scouts were supposed have finished school, not look like an overworked 11 year old." She sounded, shocked? No. Worried? It wasn't that either. This lady was looking down on me for being younger than other scouts. Yah that was it!

"For your information I'm 12, and I'm just as strong as any other scout of my level so shut it!" I told her with venom in my words. "Now I have better things to do them socialize with a wild witch." I grabbed my mask and left without another word to her. Before exiting the tunnel I put my mask back on, then left the throne room and walked outside. I went to my place with the other guards who were keeping the crowds in line. Luckily I wasn't the last one to arrive with multiple others still needing to show up.

A couple hours pass and soon the cage was being brought to the stage by 4 scouts with multiple different wild witches inside of it. I leaned closer, excited for it to finally be happening.

Emperor Belo walked onto the stage and there was obvious excitement with lots of clapping. He looked at everyone his mask hiding his emotions.

"Is everyone ready for these Wild Witches punishment?" I heard him ask proudly. To which the response was applause and loud cheering.

"Then let us get started!"

I watched at the green beam of light started to come towards the wild witches. And I was shocked by how painful it looked. They were screaming in pain and clawing at the cage. I froze, staring at them being petrified. There screams echoed across the field as cheers replaced them once it was over.

I couldn't move. I knew they deserved it! It was something that needed to happen! So then why was I so horrified!? I mentally slapped myself and watched the whole thing through. They were wild witches they didn't deserve my sympathy or pity. I should be excited and happy!

But as I watched it finish. I couldn't help but never want to watch another petrification for the rest of my life.

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