Eclipse Lake

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I clung to the cart as it practically flew down the tracks. I could hear the wind whistle in my ears as I kept my eyes closed to avoid the wind stinging them. I was pretty sure I had left my stomach with the youngest Blight. Eventually the cart came to a sudden stop and I barely kept myself from getting flung out. If I hadn't been trained the way I was I would probably have broken something.

I had come to eclipse lake to get to the Titan Blood before Kikimora to make up for my failure. Honestly it would be a lie to say it wasn't partially because I hated her. We had hated each other for a long time, basically as long as I've been The Golden Guard. That didn't matter though. I needed that blood to make up for my last failure. To make it worse my uncle said that my failure hurt as much as his curse, which filled me with guilt.

Running into and getting captured by The Owl Lady, the rat, and the youngest Blight had been embarrassing, but ended up only benefiting me in the end. Just as I had suspected The Owl Lady didn't recognize me from our interaction 3 years ago. After all I was just another forgettable customer to her back then. I did feel kind of guilty for tricking the youngest Blight and tripping her though. Especially after all Edric's told me about her.....

That could wait though! I ran up to the lake and was horrified by what I saw. It was completely dried up. I was frozen in horror. NO! NO! NO! NO! I ran into the lake and looked around. There had to be something left! Anything!!! However I knew there wasn't anything the second I had saw the lake. I fell to my knees, I couldn't go back empty handed again.

He would be so disappointed. I would be nothing but a disappointment. I looked at the dirt and started digging. I was making myself a grave. After all I would rather be dead then come back empty handed two times in a row. Not even bothering to care anymore I didn't even flinch when the dumb bird palismen that had been following me around started tweeting and trying to get my attention.

"Go away, find someone who isn't a failure." Was all I said as I continued digging.

After who knows how long I heard the sound of someone entering the lake.

"Don't worry. I won't pick a fight, there's no Titan Blood." I told them not even caring who it was.

"Then why are you digging?" I heard the voice of the youngest Blight ask.

I turned to face her(she had the rat with her), "Oh it's simple really. Belos needs Titan Blood to make another portal key. Can't get to the Human Realm without it!" She muttered something and I didn't bother trying to hear whatever it was as I got back to digging. "Since I failed my last mission I thought, hey a chance to make up for it! But I can't go back empty handed!" I sat up and let out a laugh. "Not again." I put my hands on the dirt as I said this. "Long story short", I pointed at the hole I was digging, "this is my grave. Want me to make you one to?" I asked looking over at them.

"This is really bumming me out." The rat said looking at me.

"That's just life rat. Everyone has a use, and if you don't." I stuck out my tongue and made a noise. "Ba bye! Your friend gets it." I went back to digging my grave not even bothering to pay attention to the conversation between the youngest Blight and the rat. Eventually the stupid palismen that was always following me started pulling on my cape.

"Hey! Go find a better Witch to be with!" I told the palismen before falling onto the ground and covering my head with dirt.

I heard walking and didn't bother looking up.

"You know you were right, we do have a lot in common. I grew up thinking everything was an opportunity to justify.... existing! But there are people out there who won't make you feel worthless. You just, have to let yourself meet them." She sounded so sincere.

I turned to look at her and saw her extending her hand and considered taking it. Would I be happier that way? Then I saw it. The portal key. I slowly lifted myself off the ground staring at the key. She looked confused before looking down as a look of horror crossed her face. I lunged for the key. It eventually lead to a whole fight I would have won easily, but I could barely think straight, I had to get that key. Not to mention I was using a staff I wasn't familiar with in the form of the palismen. But I didn't stop. No I needed that key, I absolutely needed it.

Eventually I got it. I didn't even care that it took threatening the human to do it. I was even proud of myself. I looked at the cracked key as the palismen landed on my hand, I smiled softly.

"You stuck with me the whole time, huh bird?"

"Flapjack." I gasped as I understood the bird.

"I think I understood that! Is that your name? Can you say it again?" I asked as Flapjack landed on my shoulder and said it again.

I laughed, "Weird. Can you say other things?"

Flapjack talked to me through his tweets all the way back, and I couldn't help enjoying ever moment of it.

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