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This was my second time chaperoning Grom. It was the only field mission I did in Bonesborough. I had turned 16 by now, and was going undercover as just another teenager at the party. I was still just as confused as last time as to why they would have a school dance while the Grom Queen or King defeated Grom.

As I entered the room I couldn't help but think about how rare it was for me to be around other kids my age and watched as everyone was dancing and enjoying themselves. I scoffed. The ball at the palace was bad enough, but at least they were promoting the Emperor's Coven.  school dance's were just stupid.

I started messed with my tie as I looked at the students. I actually really liked the suit I was wearing. Darius had helped chose what to wear since I had no idea how to dress to this kind of thing. He had helped me out last year as well.

Every year someone from The Emperor's Coven was sent undercover to make sure to watch over the Grom fight incase things went south. As well as to intervene and kill the beast as a complete last resort. I had left my staff outside the school building, I couldn't carry it in without the possibility of giving myself away.

I wore a mask to cover my face. It wasn't even something that drew attention. There were people wearing much crazier things. Honestly the mask was modest in comparison.

I realized I was frozen near the door and started walking through the room and bumped into someone. Falling onto the ground.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry, let me help you up." The voice sounded familiar. I looked up and saw a boy with green hair and yellow eyes offering me his hand. I immediately recognized him as the boy I had meet 3 years ago. He was wearing a yellow and white suit.

I took his hand and dusted myself off. "It's fine. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going." I told him. Normally I would have snapped at someone for doing that. But I was still surprised to see him again, plus I was trying to be inconspicuous.

"Have I meet you before Blondie? I feel like I recognize you." He had a smile on his face as he asked me, seeming to genuinely think he knew me. Shit.

"You probably have, you just don't recognize me." I pointed at the mask. Trying not to give it away.

"Well then mind taking it off?" He asked in a flirtatious voice.

"As if. I have my reasons to wear this mask. I won't take it off so a boy I barely know can see if he recognizes me." I crossed my arms as I said this. There was no way. The last thing I needed was him recognizing me, though I'm not sure why.

"Aw and I thought you were nice. Could you at least tell me your name?" He asked faking being hurt. I couldn't help but laugh a little. His grin widened.

"I'm Hunter." I told him against my better judgement. Hopefully he doesn't make the connection.

"Edric Blight. How about I give you this dance to make up for bumping into you?"

"Sure, I have nothing better to do anyway."

Soon the two of us were dancing together, and I was genuinely enjoying myself. It felt good to see him again. Maybe school dance's and balls weren't that bad.

Eventually it was time to start the Grom fight. I sat next to Edric as everything went dark. Then the human walked out onto the stage. I was shocked that they would choose the powerless human who was staying with The Owl Lady as the Grom Queen. Rather then a witch who was at the very least at the top of there class.

The Grom fight was very interesting to say the least. We all ended up following the human into the woods and watching as she defeated Grom with the help of a girl named Amity Blight(Edric told me she was his younger sister). I was actually nervous that I would have to intervene at one point.
Over all though I enjoyed this year much more than last.

At the end Edric even wrote his crystal balls number on my arm and asked me to keep in touch. Which I actually considered. I said goodbye and went to where I hide my staff. I made sure that no one was looking before getting on it and flying back to the castle. Ready to inform my uncle of the success of this mission.

As I flew I couldn't stop thinking about Edric. I didn't know why I so despitely didn't want him to recognize me, but had learned to trust the part of me that said it. I looked at the number on my hand and made a decision.

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