Trust issues

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Darius had been waiting for me when I came back. He told me that my uncle was busy and he was there for me to tell about Grom instead. I told him it was 'fun' then went straight to my room and washed Edric's number off my arm as soon as I got to the bathroom.

There was no question about it. I could and would not stay in touch with him. I had learned why the name Blight had sounded familiar as well. He was the child of Odalia and Alador Blight. Which meant I had even more reason to keep my distance.

I knew that trusting others is something you never ever do while in The Emperor's Coven, especially when you're as high rank as me. Family is the only exception. Plus, the last thing I needed was a boy I had only meet twice ruining my perfect life. My free time is close to nonexistent anyway, I wouldn't even have the time to call him.

Something else is for so long I've felt like I was forgetting something important. Honestly, ever since I drank the potions that gave me the ability to use my staff properly I couldn't shake the feeling. At first I had thought it was just nerves about becoming The Golden Guard. But I had been exactly that for 2 years now! I couldn't shake the feeling Edric would somehow know what I was forgetting. And that brought up some very complex feeling.

Being in The Golden Guard taught me to separate my emotions and logical thinking. I had learned to always ignore my emotions and focus on logic. Logically it didn't seem to be important, if it was it would have affected me by now. However my emotions were constantly making me feel like it was something I needed to remember, like it was something important to me. Which also meant that logically it would probably be more of a distraction than anything else. What made things even more complicated is if he still had around what I forgot. Due to this I was even more determined not to stay in contact with the Blight.

However things weren't as easy as usual this time. I just had to memorize his number. It was completely unintentional! But I should have realized that looking at that stupid number on the way back would have been enough to memorize the dang thing. Luckily by writing down the number on a piece of paper and throwing it in the closet I was able to focus on my job without even a second thought.

That changed about 2 weeks later, I had a huge success on an extremely important mission and was granted a two day break because of it. At first I was ecstatic, two days of research and maybe getting a full night of sleep? That would be amazing! But it soon turned into a fight against temptation.

I couldn't get my eyes off my crystal ball. I had only ever used it once before when I was learning how it worked, now I could barely keep myself from using it. A big part of being able to ignore my emotions was keeping busy. Normally I was still able to push them to the back of my mind even when I wasn't, now wasn't one of those times.

I would never admit it out loud but I genuinely enjoyed Edric's company. He seemed to just be a nice person who wanted to be my friend. It was really weird. I couldn't remember anyone else actually wanting to get to know Hunter before.

Almost everyone loved and wanted to know The Golden Guard. Whenever people saw me in my uniform they would beg me for autographs, ask me millions of questions about myself and my Coven(most of which I wasn't permitted to answer), and once someone even fainted when I thanked them for bringing me something I dropped on accident.

Whenever I was undercover on patrol as an unimportant teenager it was a different story. People could care less about Hunter. Most of the time they just ignore me, ask me if I'm getting enough sleep and/or eating enough, and one time someone tried to mug me. I ended up arresting them after telling them they just messed with an undercover scout(I couldn't tell them who I really was).

So color me surprised when someone seemed to genuinely want to get to know me when I wasn't an important person. Especially when I'm sure he probably was quite popular at Hexside. However I remembered he seemed to be quite the prankster when I meet his all those years ago. From his attitude I think I'm justified in thinking that hasn't changed. Meaning logically I should keep my distance. Still.......

I continued staring at my crystal ball, would it really hurt to call him? I didn't have to tell him the truth about who I really was- NO NO NO! That was my emotions talking. I knew that emotions made you do stupid and risky things. It's the biggest reason I learned to ignore mine.

However I couldn't stop thinking about it and finally made a decision. I would hide my face with my Grom mask, call him(if he didn't answer I would just skip to the last step), tell him I had been to busy to call him the last couple of weeks, inform him I wouldn't be able to stay in touch because of how busy I was, that I only ever even visited Bonesborough for Grom, block his number and never talk to him again. It was the most logical way I could think of to finally get this over with and no longer have my emotions bothering me about it. Especially since I'd probably be in charge of chaperoning Grom next year as well.

I grabbed my Grom mask and the paper with the number on it from my closet and set them next to my crystal ball on my desk. I sat down and put the mask on, and finally called the dang number.

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