Labyrinth Runners pt.2

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I felt my eyes slowly open, what happened...? My thoughts were murky, I yawned and looked around. I was in a small room with only a few beds in it, as well as a cupboard. Then I remembered what happened and immediately scanned the room for any scouts. I was surprised that there was non around, I wasn't tied up either. Had someone saved me while I was asleep? I flinched as the door opened.

I looked over and immediately recognized the person coming in as the girl Adrian has been introducing. I saw that she had Flapjack and immediately got ready to fight if necessary, she also has what looked to be a Blue Jay palismen. Just because I'm magicless doesn't mean I don't know how to protect myself. Flapjack saw me and immediately flew over tweeting. He turned into a staff and I got into a suitable fighting position, staring at her and preparing for the worst. I took in her appearance as she looked at me. She was carrying a bag, but as soon as she saw me she dropped it. She covered her mouth with her hands as tears started falling from her face. I was surprised at her reaction, it might be a ruse though.

"Who are you and what do you want!?" I demanded, continuing to point my staff at her and keeping an eye on her palismen in case she decided to do a quick one on me.

To which she immediately put her hands up and looked at her palismen, it then flew over to me, I allowed it to land on my shoulder. I took this as her saying she meant no harm. I lowered my staff, but I still kept my guard up. Looking at her suspiciously

"Are you going to answer my question?" I asked as Flapjack turned to normal and started chatting with the blue jay palismen while sitting on my head. I didn't bother listening to there conversation.

The girl opened her mouth then pointed at her throat when nothing came out, a realization hit me like a truck.

"Are you mute?" I asked as she nodded. I looked at the ground and muttered mostly to myself, "The makes this more complicated."

I heard a clap and flinched violent before turning and seeing the girl, her hands still together.

"What was that for!?" I practically demanded.

She pointed at her throat and then herself, then clapped her hands again, to which I only flinched a little this time.

"It was the only way to get my attention?" I guessed, to which the girl nodded. I thought for a second.

"Since your mute do you have any other way we can communicate? I don't feel safe being around a complete stranger without knowing at least their name."

She frowned when I called her a stranger. Then walked over to the cupboard and grabbing pencils and paper, as well as a clipboard. She then motioned for me to sit on the bed I had been on before, and sitting in front of me on the floor crisscross applesauce. She seemed to imply she would answer my question with the paper and pencils.

"Alright. I'll ask again, who are you and what do you want, also what happened to the scouts who were carrying me?" I was less demanding and just asked her, though I was still suspicious. I made sure to keep a close eye on her movements as she wrote. The birds had moved to a different bed and I knew Flapjack would tell me if the blue jay tried anything. She finished writing and handed me the clipboard.

My name is Estera. I saved you from them because the last thing I want is you going back to Belos. Plus I just want the person who was like a big brother to me back.

I handed it back to her before speaking, "Don't you work for Belos?" I asked, genuinely confused. She wrote on the paper some more before handing it to me.

Hardly. I didn't have a choice.

"Why not?"

They have ways of controlling me

"If that's so do I need to worry about you suddenly turning on me and handing me to Belos?"

Not at the moment. Right now the only person who could make that happen doesn't know we're here.

"Then how about what you want. I don't see what that has to do with me."

That's because they wiped your memories.

I felt my eyes go wide. I remembered the memories of entering Belos's mind of him talking the Collector about erasing someone from my mind, a 'she'.

"You're the person who was erased from my memory?" I asked softly before I could stop myself, I immediately covered my mouth afterwards. I looked up and saw that she had a hopeful expression on her face and motioned for me to give her the clipboard. She wrote furiously before handing it back to me as soon as possible.

Did you remember something!?

I sighed and looked away before speaking, giving her back the clipboard, "No, I didn't. I'm sure you know about me running away. I did it because I learned a lot of things, Bad things. That included that Belos erased someone from my mind, someone who was apparently extremely important to me beforehand."

I looked at her and she had a determined look on her face. She wrote on the clipboard and handed it back to me.

I can bring them back. I specifically created a potion to do just that. It took over a year though.

I felt my eyes go wide. I looked at her then the clipboard. It would be great to know what he erased from my memory, but.......

"How am I supposed to trust you, for all I know you could be trying to poison me or brainwash me. Plus Belos said it would be impossible for-" before I could finish I recognized the sound of illusion magic being undone heard the sound of fighting and remembered. I looked over at Estera, who had a shocked look. I realized that I forgotten something important. I shot up.

"Shit! I completely forgot about Adrian taking Gus." I made eye contact with Estera, "Look, if you help me save Gus I'll drink your potion. Think of it as you proving I can trust you." She immediately nodded. I meant what I said to, if we were successful I would be fine drinking the potion, even if it ended up killing me.

I offered my hand to her. "Let's do this Estera." She took it and nodded.

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