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A young girl was clinging to a brown bear plush with a black top hat and bowtie as tears fell from her face. There was a knock on the door but the girl didn't move. After a couple more knocks the one knocking on the door opened it. It was a scout.

"It's time for your tests brat." The scout said in an annoyed and definitely male voice. Seemingly not caring about the fact she was obviously upset. She glared at the scout and held up one finger.

The scout walked up and forcefully grabbed her hand. She still held the plush with her other though. She didn't struggle as he dragged her with him. She was obviously angry about it though.

"I seriously don't know what happened to you brat. The second your old chaperone decided he had better thinks to do than take care of cursed child 3 months ago you've been such a pain!" The scout told her angrily returning her glare as she seemed even more upset.

She didn't say anything as they walked through a tunnel, eventually ending up in what looked like the outside of a lab. Another scout walked in wearing a different uniform.

"We're ready for the girl." They stated.

"Good I don't want to have to deal with this brat anyway." The scout told them.

"I don't think I'll ever get over how different you are from her old chaperone. Let's go." They started off addressing the scout them looked at the girl.

The girl reluctantly trudged up to them, taking their hand despite looking at it like it was covered in disgusting slime.

Hours passed before the girl was taken out and brought back to the waiting scout.

"Took you long enough brat." The scout told her before forcefully grabbing her hand again and bringing her back through the tunnel.

Eventually they got back to the room and the scout practically threw her into the room.

"You'll be having a visitor in an hour brat. Be good!" The girl stuck her tongue out before the scout basically slammed the door in her face and locked it. Her expression changed back to one of sadness as she went back to sitting on her bed looking at her plush. A tear fell from her face as she hugged it.

An hour passed and the door was unlocked. The girl was stirring what seemed to be a potion in a large pot. She didn't even bother looking at the person who walked in.

Speaking of the person who walked in. They had lightish green hair with white streaks, glasses over there green eyes, tan skin, a long gray earring on their left ear, and an outfit that fit their personality. They seemed to be nonbinary as well.

They looked at the girl who didn't even bother acknowledging the fact they had entered her room. Seemingly trying to ignore them. They closed and locked the door before walking up to them and sitting down next to the girl.

"Are you Estera?" They asked the girl.

She nodded still not looking at them.

"I'm Raine, The Head of The Bard Coven. I was recently informed of your existence as you seem to be quite the prodigy when it comes to magic. However you seem to be have been struggling with your Bard abilities. So I was sent to be your instructor." They looked over at the guitar leaning against the bed.

Again the girl only nodded. From how she was acting it was clear she could care less.

The Head of The Bard Coven sighed. "They informed me you were mute, but that isn't the reason your not even looking as me is it?" They asked.

The girl just shrugged as she finished stirring the potion, adding some small things to it and standing up.

The Head of The Bard Coven looked at her. "Can we please start now that your finished?" They asked politely.

She walked over and grabbed her guitar and looked at them like 'are we doing this or not cause if we aren't I have better things to do'.

The Head of The Bard Coven stood up and summoned an instrument.

"Then we'll start now."

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