I'm not hungry

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I had just finished my latest mission and was walking through the halls to tell my uncle my success. I knocked on the door and entered once I was allowed. I kneeled in front of him, putting my staff on the ground next to me. Now that I was The Golden Guard it was required of me to kneel everytime I was in front of him.

"What's your report on your latest mission Hunter?" I heard him ask in an inviting tone.

"It was a success, I was able to get an entire bottle of moon water." I told him still kneeling.

"Show me." His tone was now demanding. I knew what that meant.

I stood up and grabbed the moon water from inside my cape. He took it and dismissed me, saying I had the rest of the day off.

I left the room carrying my staff. I had some free time and intended to use it to read and hopefully get some sleep. However I ran into a scout who was walking the other direction.

"Watch where your going next time!" I demanded angrier.

The scout stuttered an apology and left, I smiled under my mask. I had grown to have a sense of superiority and smugness over time since becoming Golden Guard. I scoffed and was about to continue to my room when I heard a voice.

"You know that wasn't very nice little prince." I recognized the voice.

I turned to see the head of The Head of Abominations Coven himself leaning against a wall looking at me.

"It not like your any better." I told him. He called me 'little prince's due to being The Emperor's nephew.

"Well considering the fact their probably at least 10 years older than you, you could be more respectful."

"What are you, my dad?" I asked sarcastically.

He held his hands up. "I'm only saying you could try to be nicer to the scouts, considering you used to be one." He told me with a smile

"That's exactly why I'm rude. I can guarantee you that they all will hate me no matter what, even if I treated them like royalty."

"And why's that little prince?"

"You wouldn't understand. Unless you were secretly part of the Emperor's Coven at some point." I rolled my eyes under my mask.

"Not that I can think off. I'm assuming your going to your room now?"

"You would be assuming right."

"Well dinners in less than a few minutes, maybe you should go to the cafeteria instead?"

Just the thought made me sick.

"I'm not hungry. It's almost like you care about me." I could feel myself starting to sweat. But I kept up the performance.

"Nope, I just know The Emperor wouldn't be pleased if his right hand man wasn't eating enough."

"If it affected my performance on my work I'm sure he would be very displeased."

His grin seemed to falter for a second, but it was back in the blink of an eye so I was probably imagining it.

"Well until next time little prince."

He left and once I was sure he was gone I rushed to my room. Once I entered I set my mask on my side table and laid on my bed. I had made sure to keep my cool while I was talking to him, but the last thing I needed was someone finding out I wasn't eating. I knew people wouldn't be pleased, they would believe that I was doing it for attention. Or that because I was doing it I wouldn't be able to properly do my job. It was stupid.

However that line worked on everyone. 'I'm not hungry', no one ever pushed after I said that single line. It had grown to be one of my favorite things to say. It kept anyone from learning I wasn't 'eating properly'.

I took of my uniform and stayed in what I had underneath(you know what it looks like if you've seen Hunting Palismen) I sat down and grabbed my frog plush, which I had hidden under my pillow. Then I got a book off the stack I already had in my room and started reading.

All I needed was to eat just enough to function properly and do my work. Nothing more and- unfortunately -nothing less.

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