The talk

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The plan was ready. Most of the kids at Hexside would stay there and be safe. Meanwhile the blights, Gus, Willow, Estera and I would go to the day of Unity and try to prevent it.... But I had a different problem. Ever since I was found people had been seriously pushing me to eat, since we ate ALL meals together I could no longer pretend to eat and people believe me.... I don't even see why it matters either! as long as I can function it should be fine, but no. They just have to insist that I eat, and not just a small bit either! I had to eat entire meals before they left me alone. Leading to me doing something I used to do only every now and then when I ate to much, since I always ate to much now. Like clockwork after every meal I was throwing up until my stomach was completely empty. Soon I knew and I sat on the floor, groaning and breathing heavily as I drank a bit of water, waiting for me to be strong enough to move. I never knew how long I sat on the bathroom floor before I gained enough strength, it always felt like it got longer each time. Eventually I stood, making it to the door and breathing in and out before exiting the bathroom and acting like everything was ok, because it was ok. Soon I walked into my temporary quarters, and saw Edric waiting their for me.

"Can we talk?" Edric asked looking at me straight in the eyes. I nodded slightly and I walked up to him sitting on a table next to him. We sat in silence neither one of us knew what to say first.

Edric sighed. "How many times did you lie to me while we hung out?" He avoiding eye contact.

"More times than I can count. Every time you asked me about why I couldn't come see you, every time you asked me what I thought the golden guard, me, looked like under the mask. And what my life was like...." I told him, guilt filling my voice.

Both of us were once again consumed by awkward silence....... I sighed softly.

"I'm sorry Edric..." I said softly. "All that mattered to me back then was doing as I was told, hiding who I was under the mask and keeping anyone from realizing the truth...."

"When I called and told you about what happened with Amity.... what went through your mind?" He asked not looking at me as I felt my heart drop.

"I dreaded talking to you after what I did, I was tempted to not answer... and I didn't feel like I could face you after attacking your little sister, someone I knew was important to you...." I sighed. "I only felt guilty that I had to fight her... I never felt guilty for taking the key..." I avoided eye contact as I said this. "I felt like it was my only choice....."

Edric sighed. "Hunter I'm going to be honest with you, I don't know if I can forgive you... or trust you yet... but I'm willing to give you another chance." Edric looked at me and gave me a genuine smile. "Not as 'The Golden Guard' or as a member of the Emperors Coven. Just as Hunter."

I looked to the ground and smiled softly. "Thank you....."

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