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It had been a while. We were able to learn the cursed girls name, Estera. The next few days I would go in, she would cooperate, I would give the report, and I would be dismissed. Eventually my uncle found a way to keep her curse in check. He made a special chocker. It was to be put on her and locked in place after tightening it, with uncle having the only key. It would shock her whenever her triggering emotions would get to be to strong. If that didn't work the chocker would knock her out. It also came with a tracker, just in case.

Afterwards she was given a new room and new clothing. Toys and costumes to play with. And she was given a magic board(it's a board that comes with a pen. She closes her eyes and imagines what she wants to say and the pen will lead her hand into writing it down, it even comes with a speaker). There were conditions though, which she happily agreed to. Even if she had a condition of her own.
1. She would be tested once a week to see if he curse can help research into curing her curse and the curses of others.
2. Her existence would be a secret. Meaning she would have to be in her room most of the time.
3. She would practice techniques to help calm herself down in her free time.
4. Only The Emperor, the research team, and a few select scouts would know about her.
5. She would do everything she was told to do.

All she asked in return was for me to continue visiting her. Therefore I became her chaperone. I was given a copy of the key for her chocker, as well as a device that showed me her tracker and a button for both shocking and knocking her out if it had to be done manually. I was to visit her twice a week(which happened to be on two of my four non-eating days) once to bring her to the research team for her tests(which usually took most of the day), and again for the two of us to be able to spend the day hanging out together.

Honestly I had grown to really care about her. She was a bit shy, but now that I had gotten to know her I knew she was a doll to be around. It was also nice to have someone close in age to me, I felt like I could talk to her about anything. She was 2 years younger than me(currently 11), with our birthdays being exactly 3 weeks apart. She made it obvious that she enjoyed being around me as well.

I was walking down the halls to her room. I had a little special something to give her before I took her to the research wing of the castle. She was in the upper levels of the castle, in the wing that was pretty much empty. This was due to it being way to high up for the scout to get to work on time, and the rooms were to small to be suitable for the higher-ups. Therefore meaning it was the perfect place to hide her.

I knocked on her door keeping the thing I was going to give her behind my back. I heard the sound of someone running up to the door before she opened it and I could see the excitement in her eyes.

"Hey Est! I the amazing future Golden Guard have something for you before we go." She looked at me curiously.

I took out the plush I had hidden behind my back. It was the small stuffed animal I had bought from the Owl Lady.

Her eyes lit up and she hugged it against her chest. Then offering one of her hands to me.

"You're bringing it with you?"

She nodded.

"Alright let's go."

I took her hand and lead her into the secret tunnel hidden behind a 'wall' she clung to me tighter as we were surrounded by darkness. Estera was afraid of the dark. She had told me it was because her curse became stronger and easier to trigger the longer she was in darkness.

"Don't worry Estera. Focus on your breathing like you practiced." Breathing exercises were one of the different techniques she would practice to keep her emotions in check.

I could hear her breathing heavily until we exited the tunnel right into the research wing, then I heard her let out a sigh of relief.

"You did good." I told her before a member of the research team took her away for there tests.

I sat and waited for her, I knew how to be patient. I've had to stand guard for almost 12 hours in a row before, so this was nothing.

I couldn't help but think about how my relationship had changed with Estera. Originally I only really cared about getting results. I was kind to her out of basic respect. Now I would rather have to relive all of my worst memories rather then hurt her.

During our meeting before and after she was given her room we had grown to really enjoy each others company. I would tell her about my dreams of being the next Golden Guard, tell her about books I've read about wild magic, I even told her that the only reason I was a scout was because I was the Emperor's nephew. She was a great listener. She would tell me in return (via yes and no questions, as well as her board once she got it.) about how she loved playing pretend, her favorite games, and how much she dislikes spicy food. I always paid attention.

We had an unsaid rule, if you don't bring information up on your own the other doesn't ask. I didn't feel comfortable telling her how I got my scars, and she never mentioned why she always covered her right eye. That's just one example from each of us.

We would have a great time just hanging out together. We always started with me taking off my mask. We would dress up in her costumes, play board games(I always won), charades(she always won), talk for hours at a time, and we always ended with me reading a book to her before she fell asleep.

I smiled softly under my mask. I was happy that I had Estera. She was like a little sister to me. Before her I had no idea what it was like to be able to have someone I could talk to and just enjoy being around. I loved my Uncle with my entire being, and I knew he loved me. But I almost never saw him. Estera was the familiar relationship I never had. And that I was more that grateful to have now.

She was brought out a couple of hours after the time I was supposed to have Lunch(but skipped because the last thing I need is more food, I already eat three meals a week.)

She ran up to me and gave me a hug, which I quickly returned. She still had the plush I gave her. After we pulled away I looked at the member of the research team.

"You're earlier than usual." I noted.

"That's because we had a bit of an incident and decided to wrap it up for the day." The one who brought her back told me.

"What kind of incident?" I asked.

"Nothing to big, she came tell you using her magic board on your day this week with her." They answered.

"Alright, you ready to go Estera?" I asked looking at her.

She nodded and took my hand as I lead her into the tunnel, back to her room.

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