It all happened so fast

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I was starting to really regret getting a scroll. To be honest even though I said to never make friends, looking back it was more out of angry than anything else. Now I think I'm friends with the Flyer Derby team. They don't seem to hate me for tricking and kidnapping them at least. We had a group chat, as well as separate chats. I was starting to regret it for one major reason. The human.

The human hasn't been leaving me alone, despite me specifically asking her to! She won't stop texting me on what I assume is The Owl Ladies scroll. Asking if I'm 'good now' and 'to tell her if Belos is evil'. The former confused me, and the latter offended me. She also had lots of questions I ignored. Even worse I accidentally sent her a picture I had meant to show to The Flyer Derby group chat(who were always asking me to show them cute pictures of Flapjack). She even sent me a link and it showed this weird song that was extremely confusing. Afterwards she asked if I had clicked it, and when I answered the exact response was, 'LOL you got Rick Rolled!😆😆😆'. Which only confused me more. Afterwards I just tried ignored her texts.

I couldn't help thinking about the events that even lead to this happening in the first place. Darius had taken my cape, I had taken the sigil off of it when I snuck to eclipse lake trying to disguise as a scout. I ended up immediately regretted it when I realized I can't sew and it ended up looking horrible when I tried to put it back.

When I was put in charge by my uncle while he was gone non of the Coven heads even gave me a second look. My thought was that Darius must've been in a mood because he was much worse than usual this time. He took my cape despite knowing how important it was to me! Even saying I would be a disappointment to my predecessors, which he was always telling me the last Golden Guard was his mentor. I'd never admit it out loud but his words hurt. He told me the only way I would make him even listen or give my cape back was to find impressive new recruits for The Emperor's Coven.

I set of to do exactly that using my one day off of the year, going to Hexside. I knew that a certain green haired person went there and did my best to make sure to avoid them. I ended up joining the Flyer Derby team and was impressed by how good everyone was despite initially underestimating them. After winning I captured them, but regretted it when I thought about the harsh training and the fact they would have to give up there palismen. Especially after Darius gave me my cape back and made me questions if it really was the right chose. Especially with what The Flyer Derby team had said while they were in a cell for punching Steve(who I had known for a while now, he was a pretty chill guy. Though I didn't like that he was always trying to push me to eat).

I was surprised that I was questioning life in The Emperor's Coven, and found that as a horrible act of treason that meant I wasn't cut out for the roll of The Golden Guard. I ended up standing in the way of them and Darius. Saying they were just nobody's who weren't fit for The Emperor's Coven, hoping Darius would fall for it. And I dropped my cape on the floor saying I wasn't worthy of it after defending The Flyer Derby team. I felt like I didn't deserve it for even questioning The Emperor's Coven. Especially with how I was raised in it, with how much I loved it. He seemed extremely angry and got ready to hit me, I prepared myself believing I deserved it.

It ended up being an act though. He didn't hurt a hair on my body. Darius had used the fact I always did everything I could to prove myself and my desperation to get my cape back as a way to get me to hang out with kids my own age for once. After revealing this to me he fixed my cape, agreed to keep Flapjack a secret, and told me I'd make my predecessors proud. Even giving me a scroll to keep in touch with my friends.

I didn't know how to feel about his words. I was pissed I had been so easily fooled. I was also angry Darius knew exactly how to trick me into hanging out with kids my age, especially when being in The Emperor's Coven had taught me to push others away. But I was also, grateful? I enjoyed hanging out with and talking to The Flyer Derby team. Especially Captain(her real name was Willow) and Gus, despite them being close friends with the human.

And despite the human constantly bugging me, I actually enjoyed having Penstagram. My profile name was RULERZREACHF4N, which I had chosen because I loved that book and I didn't want to give any hints to who I really was. Especially with my face being shown on my profile pic. I liked looking at others posts and taking cute pictures of Flapjack and seeing the others reactions when I posted them. Though I was still getting used to typing as I'd never done anything like this before.

A part of me was worried my uncle wouldn't be happy about me having a scroll. But if a literally Coven Head gave it to me I figured he must be ok with it. Especially when Darius knew I was The Emperor's nephew. So I wasn't that worried as I trusted Darius would have made sure it was ok with my uncle first. After all my uncle only had my best interest at heart. He loved me and did everything to prepare me for The Titans plans.

So I was happy with this. Though I was to busy to be on my scroll that much(The coven always comes first.), and the fact I would use my free time to read or sleep instead sometimes, I still did my best to stay in touch.

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