Hollow Mind pt.2

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I didn't know what to think. I walked over and supported myself again the wall. We had seen three different memories.

The first showed Emperor Belos using The Golden Guard of that time to frame wild witches for the explosions he made. I made the excuse that he was doing it to get his message across. Desperate times come for despite measures.

The second showed him trying to killing witches using there sigils. At least that's what Luz assumed. I promptly denied that their was any Mal intent. I was still horrified by what I had seen though.

The third was the hardest to digest. It was when I had given him the key. He had manipulated me into going after the key, when he had told me not to go. He uses the saying 'The Titan has big plans land for you' to control me. There were so many other things he said I couldn't understand, I couldn't think about them.

I suddenly became aware of Luz talking to me, but it was like I couldn't hear her. My full focus was on the hallway in front of me. So many destroyed masks. I heard her falter as I assumed she saw the masks. I couldn't even talk, I was absolutely horrified at what I was seeing.

That is until we heard noise and I decided to push it down and think about it later. I've done it before, and I'll do it again. We ended up running into the child Belos doing something weird thing with the stuff he had collected throughout the memories. Including starting a fire I put out while Luz grabbed the child Belos to protect him.

Then the inner Belos was trapped, the child version had made a trap. At least we thought it was the inner Belos. But it turned out to be palismen souls. Which meant the one who was with us was the inner Belos. We watched as the child Belos turned into what I assumed was his original form.

"Hello Hunter, hello Luz." He said with a smile looking at us before going over to the palismen souls and destroying them. I couldn't help but look away as he crushed a bird one, a reminder of what he would have done to Flapjack.

He walked up to me and thanked me for distracting them in an inviting voice, all I could do was ask him the questions I had.

"What did you do to the other guards?" I asked in a broken and worried voice, "To our family!? It wasn't wild magic was it...?"

He got a look of disappointment on his face as he flicked the strand of hair that was always out of line, I felt the first tear I had even let show in front of anyone for years come up.

"What a shame. Out of all the Grimwalkers you looked the most like him." He said with a smirk

"What...?" I asked in a small and shocked voice as the ground started swallowing me. I heard the sound of running feet as Luz threw her jacket at me while I sunk, trying to pull me out. I clung to the jacket, I didn't want to be trapped. But it was to late, I was completely swallowed into the ground. Shutting my eyes tightly.


I opened my eyes in a dark room. I was just standing there with no memory of how I got there. I realized I was in my uncle's room. I had only ever been here once, to pick up my potions that would get me ready to use my staff.

I walked over and saw Belos stirring a potion. I recognized it as the one he had given me to help me use my staff properly. He really had brewed it himself.

I watched as adark shadow crossed the room taking the form of a dark person. They were the collector

"Are you sure this is going to work?" They asked Belos.

"Of course Collector. I made sure to be quite careful this time." Belos told the Collector.

"That's what you said last time, and if I remember correctly that grimwalker got there memories back and betrayed you for the person you were trying to wipe from there memory." The Collector laughed after saying this.

"That's because they didn't drink all of them."


I was shocked, horrified, and terrified as I saw the entire memory.

I let out a hysterical laugh. It all made sense now. I had been let with the feeling that I was forgetting something for so long because I was he had wiped a girl from my memory. The worst part was I had drank every single one. Meaning I would never remember her, I wouldn't ever learn who she was. She was even important enough to me that I might've betrayed my uncle for her. I was probably erased from her mind as well. I was never important to Belos was I? He only cared about controlling me. I was his puppet, a grimwalker. I collapsed on the ground, why even try if my only purpose is to serve him?

Then I felt shaking and realized something. Luz. I looked at the jacket and grabbed the first Glyph I could find, wishing for it to turn into something I could use to help. I tapped it and grabbed onto the think plant wall it created. Felling it bringing me all the way back up as I came just in time, stopping an attack Belos had tried to kill her with.

"Luz!" I yelled and dropped onto the ground running with her as she used a fire glyph to break the plant in wall. She grabbed my hand as we jumped through. I looked over and made eye contact with Belos for a second. He was looking at me with a face of distaste and anger. We made it to the weird car device just in time for us to once again be covered in yellow light as we were transported back to the real world.

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