Hollow Mind pt.1

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I walked through the night market. A couple of days ago I had heard talking on the roof of trying to infiltrate The Emperor's mind. I had even recognized the voice talking, but couldn't figure out who it belonged to. However by listening in I knew exactly how to find them. They would be doing it at the night market, I even knew where. It was honestly embarrassing that they thought no one would hear them. In fact the first time I heard them I was drinking my third cup of coffee while skipping lunch. It was entirely unintentional.

I was looking for the exact spot when someone touched my shoulder trying to sell me teeth of all things. Of course I was in full armor and let's just the only reason I didn't arrest him on the spot was because I had more important matters at that moment. Especially with how he immediately freaked out trying to lie himself out of an arrest. Though I did make a mental note to send some scouts for him when I got back.

I eventually found them drawing a circle on the ground. They all had the same black robes keeping me from being able to recognize them. Honestly it took someone with at least as much skill as the Potions Coven Head to make the potions to get in and out of someones mind, so I was actually kinda surprised when they had it. As they put the small vial with the potion in it on the ground and got ready to break it, therefore getting ready to enter his mind, I jumped out and pointed my staff straight at them.

"For crimes against The Emperor you are all under arrest!" I told them in the voice I always used when arresting people.

But then I felt someone jump at me from behind, "Hunter!" I recognized that voice as I heard what sounded like a....click? "Mind if I bug you with a few questions?"

I sat up and looked at her, "Human!?" Then one of them took out a flute, "I forbid you to play!" I yelled but it was to late. I was furious.

I turned around to the human and dropped my artificial staff taking out Flapjack. After the events at Eclipse Lake I had practiced with Flapjack in secret and now I'm even better at using it then with using my artificial staff(for some reason palismen seem to be stronger then artificial magic).

"Human! Do you have any idea what you've just done!?" I said angrily as I took off my mask and walked towards her. Then I heard the sound of glass breaking and the realization hit the second I heard it. Shit. Both me and the human were covered in yellow light as we were transported to The Emperor's mind.


We were trapped. Originally we were in a regal hallway, but after Luz attacked the inner Belos(something I would get back at her for once we were out) we ended up somewhere completely different. She even said that the hallway was made of all the 'lies' he tells, which is complete BS.

The truth is I was actually king of excited to use my research on wild magic for something. I even bragged to the human about how I had read a lot about the subject. Though I never would've chosen for this to happen!

Eda contacted us through a weird cat thing, and told us she would get us out of here(I didn't bother reminding her how had it is to make that kind of potion, as I'm sure she already knew). When she called me 'blondie' and said my friend wanted to talk to me I was confused until Flapjack came over the weird thing. I made sure to remind Flapjack I loved him before they turned it off. Which was meet by unnecessary awwing.

There was a kid Belos we ran into that I fully believe is his sense of innocence and not his sense of 'guilt' as he has absolutely nothing to feel guilty about.

Eventually we learned that the inner Belos seemed to be hostel. So the kid version would lead us along and help us. They lead us to the memories, I was extremely reluctant. That was treason in the first degree. But the human made the annoyingly good point that it was enter the memory or die by the inner self.

I'm seriously going to regret ever going after those rebels.

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