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I couldn't stop thinking about her words. I had actually considered taking her hand. Would I have done it if the key wasn't there? I guess I'd never know. My uncle had been understandably angry about me sneaking out. I cursed myself for flinching when he grabbed the cracked key. I tried to explain but he told me to leave, now I laid on my bed. I had another episode when I got back, it wasn't bad enough that I passed out. I had accidentally pulled out some of my hair in the moment though, luckily it wasn't noticable.

I couldn't get my mind off of what happened as I laid on my bed, barely able to think. I had been lying there for hours with my eyes wide open. I had been allowed the rest of the day off, however sleep and research were the last things on my mind. I thought about how it had been like fighting with a palismen. It had been weird, but somehow I felt so much more powerful than I ever did using my staff. For some reason though the palismen needed a nest, which I helped him make during the first couple of days of him staying with me. It was hidden somewhere you would have to look throughout my entire room to find.

I wouldn't put it past Kikimoron trying to do just that. So I always locked my room and kept the key to it with me 24/7. I had the key to my room even before it became my room key, the lock was changed for it. If I didn't lock my room to keep Kiki out I probably would have been accused of treason for keeping a palismen from The Emperor. Speaking of which...

Flapjack had started tugging on my hair trying to get me to move. At least that's what I think he said. My moments of understanding him were all over the place, but I had read enough about wild magic to know that I would probably be able to understand him completely by the end of the month. He eventually gave up and went back to his nest, I presumed to sleep. Then a realization hit me.

She was the youngest Blight, which meant she was the sister of Edric Blight, which meant I had just fought and threatened someone who was probably at least 10 times more important to Edric then I was! I didn't know why I cared but I did. I had already felt guilty, but this made it all the worse. She knew how I looked now. What if she told him and he recognized the description? Even if she didn't, how would I face Edric knowing I had done what I did? I could feel the panic rising, but before it could get worse I heard a familiar sound. Shit. I had forgotten today was the day of the week we had set up to talk.

I reluctantly sat up and looked at the ball, a huge part of me wanted to ignore it and tell him I was to busy to call this week, but......

I answered the crystal ball and saw the nervous face.

I decided to play dumb. "What's wrong?" I asked in what sounded like a genuinely confused voice, even moving my head to the side like I usually do when I'm confused. I was a good actor.

"Bad things! You know how I'm always talking about how cool I find The Golden Guard?" He asked.

I immediately knew what he was talking about. Edric loved talking about The Golden Guard and theorizing about what they looked like under the mask. He wasn't one of those crazy fans who were super obsessed or anything. But we did had fun bouncing off each other with him guessing crazy things and me laughing at how ridiculous they sounded.

"Yeah whats up?" I asked already knowing the answer.

"Well turns out he's different from what I originally thought. I thought he was a noble person working for the greater good. From what my sister told me though, he's just a kid scared of The Emperor." He practically rambled.

"Excuse me!?" I asked him completely shocked. "Why would you believe something like that!? The Emperor is our savior! Why would anyone but wild witches fear him!?" I was absolutely not afraid of my uncle! I couldn't disappoint him because it was proof I wasn't good enough! It had nothing to do with fear!!!

"Look I know it's hard to believe Hunter. But you have to trust me on-"

"Absolutely not! The Emperor is the best person in the Boiling Isles! What the fuck would make you believe something like that!?" I practically demanded. What about the events at eclipse lake would make him believe such bullshit!?

"Look I know how much you love the guy! But will you let me explain!?" This was the first time I had seen him looking the way he did. He seemed worried and frustrated.

I crossed my arms waiting, "This better be good." I told him and watched as he took a deep breath.

"The Golden Guard was so terrified of coming back empty-handed again he had a mental breakdown while digging his own grave. Meaning The Emperor must have done something to freak him out so much!

"You blaming The Golden Guard freaking out on The Emperor!? How is that in any way The Emperor's fault!? Maybe The Golden Guard was overeating! Maybe they're a perfectionist! Maybe they didn't want to disappoint The Emperor! Maybe-"

"Do you really think those would cause him to have a mental breakdown!? The Emperor must be mistreating him."

I was disgusted. "Don't talk to me anymore." I told him. He crossed the line.

"Hunter what-"

"I said don't fucking talk to me anymore! You fucking crossed the line! Your literally implying that The Emperor has been treating The Golden Guard badly! Well news flash! Unless you take that back right now I'm blocking your number and never saying anything to you again!!"

"Hunter please don't do this..." His voice was small. I didn't care.

"Goodbye Edric." I said going to turn my crystal ball off.

"Hunter wait-" I turned it off. Then immediately blocked him. He took it to fucking far. I couldn't believe I had enjoyed the company of someone who would say such horrible, untrue, and disgusting things about my uncle. Usually I only found that kind of bullshit in books written by wild witches. I scoffed and practically threw the stupid crystal ball back into my closet. Let this be a lesson to never befriend people. Especially when there outside of The Emperor's Coven.

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