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Nighttime,(Y/n)'s apartment

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(Y/n)'s apartment...

(Y/n)'s POV

It's over.

I'm officially fired from my job. Now I'm an unemployed woman with no source of income at all.

I silently indulged myself in the dinner meal I made. I cooked late tonight due to the chaotic situation earlier. Lots of things to deal with to the point it kept me very busy.

I couldn't feel anything besides relief within me. I was liberated from the company's toxic environment.

Still, I was discontented with the way those people at my former workplace treated me. Not only I was humiliated, I was also framed over false accusation. Heck, the boss even fired me without proper procedure.

Now, I needed to find a new job as soon as possible. If not, I wouldn't be able to pay the rent. I probably would end up as homeless if I didn't get employed quick.

The apartment rental payment due is next week. I'm supposed to receive my salary this week but that company doesn't pay me a cent after firing me unethically.

Even if I do get employed anytime this week, they won't pay my salary until at the end of next month.


Should I return there?

There is nowhere else for me to go besides that place. As much as I don't want to see them again, that's the only place left for me to shelter myself.

It isn't the best option but I have no more choices left...

I shook my head, disagreeing with my risky idea.

Mhm, I'm not looking forward to get my ass kicked by that guy so let's scratch that idea.

Losing my job sucks but on the bright side, I can start a new life with a new job. Hopefully, this time, I can work at a place with healthy and positive environment. I am not looking forward to deal with more toxicity.

Taking a deep breath, my eyes then shifted to the clock hanging on the wall. It was already 10.00 p.m.. Realizing the time, I shuffled my attention to the door. Soon enough, that stalker would show up outside my apartment door and leave yet another gift..

I stood up , heading to the kitchen then picked up a container of dinner meal I made just now. It was simply an omelette rice. Seizing a pen in my palm, I took a piece of hand-sized memo paper and wrote down a letter.

"Okay, done!" I excitedly exclaimed. I glued the note on the container before picking it up. Turning my heels, I jogged over to the door and opened it. I left the food container outside, then shut the door close again.

Dear My Stalker • Haruchiyo SanzuWhere stories live. Discover now