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At the penthouse

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At the penthouse..

Second Person's POV

Haruchiyo heaved out a defeated sigh as he entered his penthouse. He was absolutely drained after talking to Takeomi. Interacting with him always brought back horrible memories of his past with his...family.

The unfair treatment, the favoritism, the lack of love he received...

How could Haruchiyo possibly forgive Takeomi after making his life meaningless and loveless?

All Haruchiyo craved for was affection from his older brother. But what did he receive instead? Scolding, one-sided judgement, nagging, unnecessary punishment over trivial matters.

But Senju received everything Haruchiyo wished for.

At some point, Haruchiyo Akashi snapped and cut his ties with his own siblings. He threw away his real last name and "reborn" as Haruchiyo Sanzu.

' Can't let him near my (Y/n). And (Y/n) should never know about my true connection with that Old Geezer. It will be too complicated to explain everything from A to Z.' Haruchiyo plotted. He needed to put a distance between you and his older brother, Takeomi.

"I'm home-"

Before Haruchiyo could break the serene silence in the house, you surprised him with a bear hug. Gasping in shock, he regained his composure quickly then embraced you back. You were burying your face in his chest before you looked up to him with a bright smile.

"Welcome home, darling. You're back earlier than I thought."

"My boss wasn't feeling well so he allowed us to end the meeting early."

"Hope he get well soon."

A smile curved on his scarred lips. Somehow, all the worries and uneasiness washed away the moment he saw you. Haruchiyo knew it. You were the light of his life.

Your presence outshone everything in his world, that Haruchiyo couldn't help but being drawn to you and you only.

"Were you cooking? I could smell something delicious from here." Haruchiyo asked eagerly as he inhaled the aromatic scent of your cooking. You grinned , locking your arms around his arm before leading him to the kitchen.

"So sorry if you don't like my cooking. I simply cooked whatever I thought you would like to try." You apologized firsthand, afraid that you would cause inconvenience to Haruchiyo. You still hadn't figured out his favourite meal considering he kept giving the same reaction to every meal you cooked for him.

Delightfulness and happiness. They were his frequent, common responses of his toward your cooking. He had never given extraordinary responses such as speechlessness or tears of joy after eating his food.

You had a long way to go to to discover his favourite food.

"Sweetie, I don't mind eating anything. Your cooking is the best, greatest, most mouth-watering and most appetizing in the world. How could I dislike it?" Haruchiyo patted your head, trying to reassure you. "Heck, I don't even mind if you only make instant ramen as dinner."

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