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At the private hospital,Afternoon,Around half an hour later

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At the private hospital,
Around half an hour later...

Second Person's POV

You were growing bored as you waited for Rindou's signal as a green light to make a move. He was on a call with Ran to confirm the current situation. "Boss has left? Okay, sweet. I will be there soon."

Hearing that, your head perked up. You stared at Rindou eagerly, waiting for his approval. He looked at you and nodded his head. "We can go back to the wardroom now. Boss has left." You mentally cheered whilst wearing a joyful smile. You couldn't wait to meet and take care of Haruchiyo.

Both of you made way back to Haruchiyo's wardroom. Once you both arrived, Ran approached Rindou. "Boss left us a job. We have to go now." He told. The younger Haitani hummed understandingly. "Alright. Well then, we will take our leave now, (Y/n)."

"Mhm. Don't die on your mission." You wished them well, hoping these two come out unscathed from whatever job they were about to do. Ran chuckled heartily, "That's sweet of you. We appreciate that a lot. See you next time, (Y/n)."

The Haitani brothers slowly disappeared from your sight. You let out a soft sigh then glanced at the clock. Suddenly, your stomach began growling. You clutched your tummy and remembered something important. "Shit, yeah. I haven't eaten anything since I woke up. I better get some food from the hospital cafeteria."

Out of hunger, you hastily jogged over to the hospital cafeteria. You couldn't afford looking after Haruchiyo with empty stomach. Whatever happened, food would always be your priority. ' I hope the hospital food isn't shitty. Private hospital usually serves better food than government hospital. Hopefully, my expectation isn't wrong.' you thought strongly, manifesting for your expectation to become true.

' you thought strongly, manifesting for your expectation to become true

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Several moments later...

You were on your way back to Haruchiyo's wardroom with a bag of steamed bun in your hands. You needed to ready some food for your future husband in case he wakes up later. He could be hungry after sleeping all day.

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