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Around two months later,Convenience store,Evening

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Around two months later,
Convenience store,

(Y/n)'s POV

Two months passed by in the blink of an eye.

Obviously, my relationship with Haru had improved a lot. We got closer to each other everyday. He did his best to visit me all the time and never missed a day in the span of two months.

One thing I noticed about Haru-- he would be at my apartment right after I finished work but returned to his own place even before I woke up. He must do that to avoid me seeing his full face.

I was getting more and more comfortable with Haru. I felt like I had known him for years even though in reality we had only known each other for more than two months.

I could...be my true self without hiding anything or hesitating with him. It felt amazing to let loose of myself.

My work at the convenience was going smoothly. Healthy environment, kind co-workers and a very outgoing manager.

Miss Ameri was nice. She acted like a mother Always checking on me and making sure I was eating right. Basically, she was being unusually caring with me. She spoiled me a lot.

Make me wonder what did I do to Miss Ameri to deserve her kindness?

After restocking some goods at the sweet and candy aisle, I carried the box to the the back of the store and threw it on a pile of empty boxes. But my action caused the boxes pile to be unstable hence the empty boxes collapsed to the ground. While at that, some boxes knocked down a few glass beer bottle to thousand pieces.

"Ah, shit!" I cussed, displeased with my own carelessness. I immediately stacked up the box back on top of each other. Unfortunately, I was a bit inept and accidentally picked up a glass shard from the beer bottle.

"Ouch!" I winced in pain loudly, unable to control my volume due the sudden searing sensation in my finger. I looked at my left hand. Blood was coating four of my fingers and dripped down my hand. The sight made me sigh in defeat.

Ugh, I'm being sort of inefficient right now.

Well, I will just clean up the blood and tend to my hand later.

"(L/n), are you alright? What happened- Oh my God, your hand!" Miss Ameri was horrified to see my bleeding hand. She rushed to my side and inspected my palm carefully. "Shit, there is more blood than I thought. Let's get inside. We have to patch up your hand."

Miss Ameri brought me back inside the store. Heading over to her office, she beckoned me to sit on one of the couches. The manager took out a first-aid kit from her drawer before coming over to me. She sat down next to me.

"God, how did you get hurt like this?" Miss Ameri shook her head whilst she treated my wound. I scratched my cheek awkwardly. "Case of clumsiness. I accidentally picked up a glass shard of a beer bottle while stacking up some boxes."

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