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Several hours later,Evening

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Several hours later,

(Y/n)'s POV

"Thanks for shopping at our store. Do come again next time!" I happily sent off the last customer in the convenience store. Today was my first day working here but it actually went smoothly. No bad things happened, I aced the training and properly handled the store with ease!

"Good work, (L/n)!"

I turned to the owner of the voice. The manager's face came into my sight, a smile tugged on her lips.

"Man, you're one talented woman for a new employee! Freshie always messed up during their first day but you aced all trainings!" Miss Ameri praised me while patting my shoulder joyfully. Chuckles full of proudness escaped her mouth.

"Ah, I knew you would be a promising employee when I saw you at first glance. My intuition is never wrong." The tattooed-woman had sparkles around her head. She was absolutely joyful after hiring me.

"Thank you, Ma'am." I awkwardly thanked her for all the praises she gave me. I eyed this female manager who was still in her thirties.

Miss Ameri was a muscular woman but still maintained her feminine figure. Tattoos etched mostly everywhere on her body except for her face. Her hair was silky black. A piercing on her lips, with a chain attaching the piercing to her right earring. She wasn't the typical uptight, creepy, pain-in-the-ass manager I thought she would be.

This woman was very carefree and outgoing. Her appearance, especially, stood out the most. She looked powerful. If I didn't know her better, I might think she was in some sort of gang at first glance.

Side note, she was unmarried. But Miss Ameri did receive lots of marriage proposal from many men. She rejected all of them though. Heck, even some wealthy men with status (politicians) were enchanted by her beauty and wanted her to be their wife.

Unfortunately, they were flatly rejected by Miss Ameri.

I didn't know if it was true but I heard from my seniors that Miss Ameri was only interested in women. Didn't know if it was real or just made-up.

Only the first day and I already heard lots of crazy stories of my new boss.

"Your shift is ending soon, isn't it? You should get ready to return home, darling." Miss Ameri patted my shoulder softly. "It's dangerous for woman to walk alone at night. Better leave now, (Y/n)."

"Yes, Ma'am." I politely replied to Miss Ameri. Another thing about her that I noticed was, she always called her employees with sweet endearments.

Such a sweet and kind manager. This is the kind of boss I dream to have.

Wow, another one of my dreams come true today.

First, I got myself a sweet boyfriend and now an open-minded manager?? Fate and life are on my side these days.

Dear My Stalker • Haruchiyo SanzuWhere stories live. Discover now