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After breakfast,Living area

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After breakfast,
Living area...

Second Person's POV

You and Haruchiyo were in the kitchen whilst the brothers relaxed themselves on the couch in the living area. You took over the duty to clean the dirty dishes. Haruchiyo willingly offered to help drying the plates and bowls you had washed.

Rindou couldn't take his eyes off of Haruchiyo. That Bonten Number 2 was usually lazy to do the easiest house chore. How come he was actually willing to help washing dishes now?

"Man... That woman is one scary human. Is she even human? How did she change Sanzu?" Rindou exclaimed in amazement. He saw the way Haruchiyo smiled genuinely at you-- even chortling when you said something funny to your boyfriend.

"Women are indeed scary. The impact they have on men are...extraordinary. There is a long way for us to understand this phenomenal event, Rin." Ran said as he also observed the couple in the kitchen. He found it pleasing to watch Haruchiyo having the moment of his life.

"Yeah, I guess so. Just hoping he doesn't let this woman become the reason of his downfall in the future. Women are men's greatest weakness. If Sanzu let this woman control his life.." Rindou remarked solemnly, his eyes darted to you. You were talking to Haruchiyo joyfully.

"I don't think she is that type of woman. Look at her. She appears to be the innocent and soft-hearted type. I can understand why Sanzu fell for her." Ran commented optimistically. He was actually on your side, even though you just insulted his entire existence earlier.

"Ran, why are you even defending her?" Rindou couldn't understand. Ran always supported his statement but this time they were clashing opinions. Ran didn't say a word and simply smiled at his younger brother.

"Oi, Hentai brothers." Haruchiyo called out his two colleagues with an...intriguing name. He was looking at the Haitani brothers while you occupied yourself with the rest of the cleaning. Ran and Rindou choked on their saliva. This pinkette could be way too creative with the nicknames he gave to his co-workers.

"You two dumbasses hadn't told me why the hell you guys are here in the first place." The Bonten vice president mentioned. Hearing that, Ran and Rindou looked at each other in realization. "Oh, shit. Yeah, almost forgot about this..." Rindou rubbed his face in relief.

"We are here to talk about the party tonight at a Bonten's client's house. We will head there around 10.00 p.m.. Make sure to be ready before that." Ran answered at last. Haruchiyo raised an eyebrow in bewilderment. "And? How is this party connected to your visit here?"

"Man, you are too forgetful. You're coming to the party too." Rindou shook his head defeatedly. Haruchiyo gave a look of disgust at the younger Haitani. "What? Hell fucking no. I ain't attending a fucking boring party full of richasses talking about their stupid achievement and wealth."

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