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Third Person's POV

Takara was still traumatized by (Y/n)'s sudden act of violence against her. Hajime did everything he could to calm her down. Takeomi just displayed an unamused expression toward the jet black-haired lady. Deep inside, he found it satisfying to see that woman trembling in fear.

He had been waiting for someone to inflict trauma on this bitch.

Obviously, Takeomi didn't take the risk to express his contentment. He simply remained emotionless while Hajime tended to the rich lady.

"Is it true... That woman is Haru's fiancee?"

"Unfortunately, yes, Takara."

"Why?! We have agreement!"

Takara screamed in disbelief. She was supposed to marry Haruchiyo Sanzu, not (Y/n). Takeomi heaved out a sigh of defeat. He intervened with the woman's declaration,

"You got a missing memory, Miss? Sanzu never agreed to marry you. He rejected the marriage proposal from the beginning. It's better if you stop being delusional and choose someone else among the executives as your future spouse."

"Takeomi, mind your words." Hajime was irritated by the interruption. "Pardon his attitude, Takara. Let me contact your driver to get you home—"

"No! I want to meet Haru NOW!" Takara demanded angrily. She was enraged by this discovery. She wanted direct answer from Haruchiyo himself. She was hoping everything she heard today was a false rumor.

"I'm afraid that is impossible. He is out for a mission currently-"

"You all here are useless! Fucking useless! You can't even do something as simple as getting Haru for me! Do you want me to report this to my father?"

Hajime's stomach churned upon hearing her mentioning her father. Takeomi could not stand her attitude anymore. "I'm certain your father prohibits you from bringing up his name for petty, trivial reasons like this. I don't think he will be happy even if you complain regarding this matter to him." Takeomi reminded while smiling confidently.

Takeomi had built a mutual bond with Takara's father and frequently contacted him, either for business or personal reasons. He already saw the side of Takara's father that he never showed during professional hours. 

Among all those traits Takara's father had showed, there was this one particular trait of his that Takeomi always conjured up in his mind.

Takara's father wasn't the type of father who spoiled his kid.

Takeomi didn't know why Takara felt very entitled and arrogant all the time. Her personality extremely contrasted with her father's that Takeomi hardly believed they were related. He wondered where Takara actually inherited her attitude.

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