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Several months later

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Several months later...

Second Person's POV

Couple of months passed by since the incident took place in your life.

It was a rough time. You had to deal with many annoyances and hindrances to make it this far-- but all sweats and tiredness worth it in the end.

Because you successfully vowed eternal love with Haru!

The wedding ceremony went perfectly. No interference from a third-party whatsoever. Although it was a small ceremony, it was luxurious. Only certain people were invited to the wedding as they needed to avoid the attention of the authorities.

The only person outside Bonten who attended the wedding was Kang-dae, who soon offered to sponsor Haruchiyo's and your honeymoon. You accepted his generous offer out of excitement. Haruchiyo simply agreed because you did so.

You and Haruchiyo decided to enjoy some days off (for honeymoon) at a private island belonged to Kang-dae somewhere in South Korea. It was a perfect place for vacation. A secluded island suitable for newly-wedded couple to strengthen their love and bond as soulmates.

Indeed, Haruchiyo (including other executives as well) owned their very own private island-- but you wanted to travel outside Japan once in a while.

The one-week honeymoon trip was a blast!

Though, you and Haruchiyo mostly spent that one week making love much more passionately everyday. It was never boring to make love with your significant other. In fact, it brought you closer and closer to Haruchiyo each day.

You had no knowledge of Takara's condition. You hadn't heard of her for a long time now but you didn't care about her.

Kang-dae did mention that he "put down a useless bitch". He made it sound vague but you were sure he actually annihilated Takara's existence from earth.

Pretty heartless of him, but you were in no place to judge. Takara had been an extreme pain in the ass for Kang-dae due to her stubbornness and selfishness which destroyed their father-daughter relationship.

Now, you could live your life in peace without Takara's annoying attempt to bring you down.

Enough about that harlot who was already six feet under the dirt.

Let's talk about the Akashi brothers next.

You had witnessed a miracle with your own eyes. Haruchiyo finally forgave Takeomi, his older brother, after years of resentment toward the older Akashi. However, it wasn't a simple task.

Haruchiyo and Takeomi took quite a while to get along properly again as brothers. But Takeomi was fine with waiting patiently for the day they could be proper brothers again.

Dear My Stalker • Haruchiyo SanzuWhere stories live. Discover now