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In the alleyway,Nighttime

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In the alleyway,

Second Person's POV

You were utterly horrified as Haruchiyo stared at you quietly. ' FUCKING HELL! HE FOUND OUT!' you were mentally freaking out. He was scanning the dead body lying next to your feet.

"(Y/n), that man..."

"W-well, you see, Haru. This man was..."

' Quickly! Come up with a logical lie!' you urged your brain to cooperate. In the split second you were brainstorming, you blurted out,

"This man was eating DRAGON FRUIT! YES, DRAGON FRUIT!" You were angry at your stupidity. You mentally slapped your face. ' Why dragon fruit, of all things?! (Y/n), you are the worst liar, bitch!'

You were roasting and cursing yourself at this point.

"...did you kill that man?" Haruchiyo wasn't easy to be tricked. You choked on your breath, alternately glancing at your boyfriend and your dead victim. Your eyes met back with Haruchiyo's before you both had intense staring contest.

All of sudden, you dropped on your knees and did a full dogeza in front of Haruchiyo. Taken aback, he looked at you in pure confusion. You heartily screamed amidst the rain,

"I promise you, I will never ever kill you, Haru! So please don't get the wrong idea!This may sound like a bunch of bullshits, but I don't kill people that often! It only happens a few times-"


You stopped clarifying after hearing his odd response. Lifting up your head, you were greeted with a sight of an excited Haruchiyo. His eyes sparkled with amazement whilst he eyed the lifeless body behind you.

Haruchiyo went over to the corpse and kicked him in the head. He was testing to see whether the man was still alive or fully dead.

He was not responding to the kick nor breathing anymore.

"You did this? You killed this bastard with your own hands, (Y/n)?"


"And you aimed straight for the neck... Amateur usually aims for stomach."

"Well, wounding his neck severely is the quickest way to kill him."

"You know a lot about murdering people! That's awesome!"

Haruchiyo made his way back to you. He helped you stand up back on your feet. He couldn't stop himself from being in awe with your splendid skills. You were surprised but not that surprised by his reaction.

You nearly forgot. Haruchiyo wasn't a normal person too.

"My wife is a prodigious killer! I'm so proud of you! You did a great job at taking that asshole's life!" Haruchiyo patted your head happily. It came off as a big surprise for him to witness you murdering someone since he had never seen you commiting crime during the period he stalked you.

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