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(Y/N)'s POV

A month passed by since I started working as Bonten PA.

It has been great! Honestly, I am in love with my work environment. No toxicity, no alienation nor bullying.

Oh, I am the one doing the bullying actually. But I swear, it's all harmless bullying. I just love teasing some executives here-- especially Rindou and that Bonten financial manager, Koko.

Speaking of them, these two were really adorable. I didn't know why they were so scared of me but their priceless reaction made me wanna tease them more and more everyday. They were my source of entertainment at my workplace. Oh, Rindou and Koko. They were SOOOO adorable, specifically in a situation where they would always get nervous around me.

But sometime I wish they like me instead of being terrified of me. Maybe I should tone down the bullying or teasing and start treating them more nicely.

Maybe. I can't promise that will happen so soon. Teasing them is fun after all.

Rindou pretty much tried to avoid me most of the times. Koko obviously despised me since I killed his slut.

Just what is wrong with him? It's easy to find more "fucktoy" at the strip club if he wants one. He is a Yakuza. He can always order his underlings to find some women for him too.

The other executives seemed to accept me. Ran became distant from me when I first started working but we got along well again after some time. I guess he was taking his time to accept me as one of the co-workers.

Kakucho was my favourite nice person among the Bonten executives. He was very respectful. We surprisingly got along good too! But Haru didn't seem to like him for unknown reasons.

Mochi looked unapproachable at first. He kept avoiding from talking to me. Turned out, he didn't have a good relationship with Haru and he was concerned that Haru might kill him for talking to me. Gosh, Haru. You're indeed a menace even to your friends.

Mikey... I was astonished that he accepted me with open heart. After all, he was the person who assigned me with this position. I was wrong to have the intention to kill him before.

Lastly, Take-nii.

We didn't interact frequently when the others were presented. However, I did approach Take-nii when we both were alone together. We could only talk to each other when Haru wasn't around. He was being quite wary and careful to not arise any suspicion. I also can't let Haru find out that I already know about his real relationship with Take-nii.

Things may get ugly if he knows I have been keeping in contact with Take-nii..

Things may get ugly if he knows I have been keeping in contact with Take-nii

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