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At the party,Nighttime

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At the party,

Second Person's POV

You were taking your sweet time to choose the food. Haruchiyo looked at his watch before shifting his gaze to his two friends. Ran and Rindou were talking to some...prostitutes who were brought to the party to entertain the guests.

Haruchiyo, feeling uncomfortable with the surrounding, decided to find you at the buffet area. But all of a sudden, a pair of arms grasped his arm tightly. He thought it was you so he immediately looked at his left.


Much to his surprise, it was a different woman. A beautiful lady wearing revealing dress was smiling seductively at him. "Hello, Mister Sanzu. It has been a while, hasn't it?" She cooed sweetly at Haruchiyo.

The pink-haired Yakuza was bewildered. He couldn't recognize this woman even though she seemed to know him. ' Shit. Is she one of the whores I used to fool around with?' he guessed. It was the only logical answer. He might not remember which one, but he knew for sure this woman was a prostitute from one of the clubs he used to visit.

"You know, I really, really missed you. Why did you stop visiting me?" The prostitute looked at him with doe eyes, squeezing his arm between her large breasts shamelessly. Irritated by her disgusting attitude, Haruchiyo yanked away his arm from her hold. She gasped in shock, not expecting this kind of rejection from him.

"Fuck off. I'm no longer interested in this shit." Haruchiyo told the prostitute off. She chuckled and linked her arms with his again. "Aw, no need to act tough around me. I know what you really want, Mister Sanzu... I can give you my everything right here, right now."

The sexy prostitute caressed his upper arm tantalizingly to seduce Haruchiyo. "After all, we are told to entertain the dear guests in any way we can. As for me, I'm willing to give it my all...to satisfy you."

Once again feeling disgusted, Haruchiyo was about to yank away his hand when he heard footsteps approaching him. Turning to the source of the sound, his heart wrecked upon seeing you. You were watching him quietly while the prostitute was still clinging on him.



You were quiet, eyes scanning the face of the woman who dare to touch your boyfriend. She glared at you before fixing her gaze at Haruchiyo. "Mister Sanzu, let's go find a room. That bitch is creeping me out."

Haruchiyo couldn't take it anymore. He yanked away his arm from the prostitute's hold before giving a brutal slap on her face. The prostitute whined in pain. She shakily grazed her reddened cheek.

"You fucking slut. Don't you dare call my woman a "bitch". You are the pathetic bitch here. Now you better fuck off before I fucking kill you!" Haruchiyo threatened menacingly. Terrified, the prostitute scurried away from the scene.

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