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WOAH...it really ended , huh? 😭

This is one hell of an emotional rollercoaster. The fluffiness, the wholesomeness, Haru's simping for (Y/n), (Y/n)'s girlboss moment, Takeomi being a good bro for Haru at last, Rindou being bullied...

Everything has come to an end :')

It's sad to end this story but hey, it's happy ending which is a good thing :>

It's funny how most of you have trust issue in me 💀

Anyway, as usual, I'm here to share some facts about this book with you!


1. Originally, I planned to make Mikey as the villain but it was too cliche at this point so I changed the plot last minute.

2. The person who helped (Y/n) faking her death was Mr.Forger-- the infamous criminal with many identities who could forge any document to be declared as real as the genuine ones.

3. The reason she could afford faking her death as well as changing her identity (which actually should cost a lot of Fortune) was because she saved Mr.Forger's life. He did that for her free of charge :)

4. Chiyo was an indoor cat but his owner threw him out after they bought a new cat (☹️)

5. Takara is gone. Like, literally. She is dead.

6. (NSFW‼️) Y/n has a strap-on. So yeah, you know what she did to Haru. He likes it when she does that. By that, I mean he seriously LOVES getting pe—😏

7. For those who are still confused, Chiyo is a male. (I still got question about his gender💀)

8. Naoto is happily working as journalist now.

9. Mikey view y/n as a mother/big sister. He just doesn't want to admit it.

10. During the time she still lived with her family, Y/n had a pet cat. But her brothers killed the cat in front of her as a joke...which is why she has a strong attachment toward cat. 😭

11. Y/n gives birth to a baby boy btw 💕

I think that's all fun facts I can share! If you have a question, go ahead and ask!

I will see you all again (if you read my other stories) in my future fanfics..

PS : Stay tune. I am planning to publish my S62 generation X Reader soon :)

we all shall see Mochi, Mucho, Ran, Rindou, Shion and Izana fighting for your love <3

Yours truly,

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