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A week later,At a grocery store,Afternoon

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A week later,
At a grocery store,

(Y/n)'s POV

I pulled out some bills from my purse and handed them over to the cashier to pay for the groceries. I had to do grocery shopping since our fridge was empty. Haru couldn't accompany me since he was occupied with work.

I noticed the cashier staring at my hand which also piqued my interest. She suddenly smiled at me and sincerely admitted, "I couldn't help but notice your gorgeous ring, Ma'am. "

I looked at my left ring finger and eyed the diamond ring. I smiled back at the cashier. "I know, right? My man has the best taste in jewellery." I praised Haru.

Yes, yes.

I'm officially engaged to Haruchiyo Sanzu for a week now.

It wasn't an exaggeration when I praised Haru.

Haru was the one who chose our engagement rings because I told him to. As expected, he chose the ones that fit my taste. And intentionally, I never told him the type of jewellery that I love.

Haru has natural good eye for women's taste in anything.

"Congratulations on your marriage- or engagement?" The cashier chuckled awkwardly. "We are recently engaged. Thank you!" I was delighted by her kind words of congratulatory.

After finishing the payment, I left the grocery store while carrying the groceries plastic. I looked up to the sky for a moment, thinking of tonight's dinner.

Haru won't be back until dinner so I have plenty of time to prepare lots of dishes tonight. First thing first, I have to decide what to cook for dinner!

Thankfully, the grocery store was only a stone's throw away from the penthouse. I didn't need to ride my car-- actually, one of Haru's cars but he said I could use any of them anytime because the cars were also mine now.

Walking into the elevator, I pressed the number of the floor I lived in. I patiently waited for the elevator to reach my house. Once it stopped, I immediately knew I already arrived at my destination. So I strolled out of the elevator , now heading to the kitchen.

Placing down the groceries plastics on the counter, I fixed my gaze at the loaded sink. Too many dirty dishes that I forgot to wash before going out. "I should empty the sink first." So I folded my sleeves and started washing all dirty dishes while humming my favourite song.

As time passed, I heard a creaking noise of a door opening. I didn't pay a mind to it, thinking it was my imagination. But then, I heard footsteps approaching the kitchen-- my current location.

Out of nowhere, a pair of arms wrapped around my shoulders. I chuckled and guessed it very quickly. Must be Haru who already returned home much earlier.

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