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At a private hospital,Afternoon

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At a private hospital,

Second Person's POV

The moment Haruchiyo passed out, panic settled in your system. You didn't know what to do. Acknowledging the fact that he was a Yakuza, you couldn't contact the common emergency number.

So frantically, you dialed Rindou's number using your boyfriend's phone and urged him to call any doctor he knew.

Hence, here you were in a private hospital. You were waiting outside a wardroom where your boyfriend was admitted to. You weren't alone though. Ran and Rindou both were here to know the details of their Bonten Number 2 member's situation.

In the wardroom-- Haruchiyo was lying in the hospital bed while a doctor was examining his condition. She nodded her head and wrote down the results of her observation in his medical record. She soon left the wardroom to inform the visitors outside.

The moment she spotted you and the two brothers, she smiled. "Hello, everyone. Pardon the long wait." The female doctor apologized in advance. Ran shook his head and smiled back at her. "It's alright, Mia. So how is Sanzu?"

Mia -- Bonten's personal doctor -- didn't display a sign of concern at all. She shifted her attention to you which made your heart beat faster. Unable to contain your anxiousness, you rushed to her and gripped her shoulders. You repeatedly shook her body while bawling your eyes at her,

"Doctor, is my partner okay?! Is he dying?!"

"No, Ma'am. He is perfectly line. He simply passed out due to over excitement."

Mia just gave in to her fate as you still shook her body. But the instant you heard her words of reassurance, you stopped doing it. You heaved out a sigh of relief and released the doctor from your hold.

"Over excitement?? What the hell did you tell that Pinkie Pie Dark Web?"

"Nothing that shocking. I just told him I want to marry him."


"Anyway, that's a relief! Haru isn't dying so now I feel lot better!"

You stretched your muscles and wore a bright smile on your face. The drastic change in your mood was unbelievable. Seconds ago, you were wailing and praying to God to spare Haruchiyo. Now, you were in good mood again as if the serious situation earlier didn't bother you in the slightest bit.

"Mister Sanzu just needs more rest and he will be as good as new again." Mia advised. You nodded your head understandingly and shook hands with the friendly doctor. "Thanks, Doc! I will make sure to look after him properly."

"Alright, I'm in need to use the loo now. Ran, Rindou, look after Haru in my stead for a while, okay?"

"Sure, (Y/n). You can leave him in our care."

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