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Next morning,Penthouse

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Next morning,

Second Person's POV

The ray of light creeping up to your face woke you up from your slumber. Parting open your eyes, you were greeting with a sight of sleeping Haruchiyo hugging your figure. Both of you were completely unclothed from head to toe which gave you access to feel his bare skin and flesh on yours. Only the comforter was covering your body and Haruchiyo's body.

' Oh, yeah...we made love all night again last night.' You recalled the event from last night. It was sweet and memorable. You did hold onto your words to make love with him everyday.

Cautiously, you turned your body around and glanced at the clock. "Damn, it's already noon." You said before a yawn escaped your mouth. You didn't remember when in the world you fell asleep. You did sleep a little more late than Haruchiyo since you cleaned him up. ' My stamina was surprisingly great. Haruchiyo's too. We lasted for couple of hours and went for countless rounds... But I lost count on how many rounds we did.'

You then shuffled your gaze to your significant other. Haruchiyo was sleeping soundly, his face looked very peaceful as he basked in his sweet dream. You smiled at him then caressed his hair. "Cute."

You soon carefully removed Haruchiyo's arm from your body and pushed yourself off of the bed. You put on your sleeping robe quietly. Leaving the luxurious chamber, you headed over to the kitchen to prepare coffee. You were still sleepy and needed something to induce more energy for you.

As you were brewing coffee in the kitchen, you suddenly felt a pair of arms wrapped around your waists. "Hey, Haru. Afternoon." You greeted Haruchiyo who was yet to be fully awake. He already put on his own pajama despite being sleepy. He huffed out a drowsy sigh before tightening his hold around you. His face was resting in your hair.


"Haru, it's already noon, love."

"Uhh? Really?"

The confusion evident in his voice made you chuckle. He lifted his head up and stared at the transparent sliding door leading to the balcony. Realizing the sun already set above his head, he gasped.

"Fuck. We overslept?"

"Technically, no. We did get enough eight hours of sleep. Except that we slept late, that's all, Haru."

Pouring the coffee into two mugs, you handed over one mug to Haruchiyo. "Here, coffee for you." He nodded and giddily took the mug of coffee from your hand. "Thank you, love."

You and Haruchiyo sat on two stools at the breakfast bar and enjoyed the coffee together. However, your focus was distracted when your gaze landed on a mysterious door. It was a room that Haruchiyo hadn't showed you yet.

"Hey, Haru. What's in that room?"

"Hmm? Which one?"

Haruchiyo shifted his attention to the direction you were looking at. He almost choked on his coffee upon realizing it was that room.

Dear My Stalker • Haruchiyo SanzuWhere stories live. Discover now