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(Y/n)'s apartment,Nighttime

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(Y/n)'s apartment,

Second Person's POV

Haruchiyo was eyeing your entire apartment with starry eyes whilst you cooked dinner in the kitchen area. You couldn't look at him since you wanted to focus on cooking but you heard the noises he made. He was rummaging through your closet.

' There's nothing curious with my closet. What piqued his interest, then?' You wondered. Unbeknownst to you, Haruchiyo had found a drawer full of your undergarments. He eyed the lingeries and undergarments excitedly. He knew he wouldn't be able to handle himself once his nose begins bleeding.

So quietly and sneakily, Haruchiyo snatched a pair of your (f/colour) lingerie and shoved them into his hoodie pockets. He pushed the drawer close. Right on time, you finished cooking. You placed down two plates of rice curry on the fold table.

"Rice curry..." The aromatic smell incited hunger to Haruchiyo. He shut the closet door and scooted closer to the table. "It's not much but I hope you like it."

"Always...love your cooking." Haruchiyo admitted sincerely. "Your omelette before, really tasty."

"Really? I'm glad, then. No wonder I found the food container empty today. You didn't leave any leftover at all." You were delighted. Handing over a spoon to Haruchiyo, he took it from your hand gladly.

His fingers came in contact with yours, making his heart thump loudly in his chest. Heat rose up to his head. The pinkette lost in the trance, his delicate fingers unconsciously grazed yours softly.

His gentleness never ceased to make you flustered. You didn't swat his hand away and let him do as he pleased. Haruchiyo looked like he was admiring your hands.

' I want these soft hands wrapped around my neck..' the thoughts suddenly crossed his mind. His gaze was portraying his imagination. His sapphire-coloured eyes' were glistening with pure lust.

Haruchiyo suddenly felt a flick on his forehead, breaking him out of his filthy thoughts. He blinked his eyes then glued his attention at your face. You were grinning widely at him.

"Come on. No spacing out during dinner time or the meal will turn cold soon."

"Oh- sorry.."

Haruchiyo hastily took the spoon from your hand and set it down next to his plate. You were ready to eat -- even picking up your spoon -- but your guest somehow hesitated. You tilted your head, wondering what was lingering in his mind.

"What's wrong? Is it too hot?" You asked , concern evident in your voice. Haruchiyo didn't answer this time. His fingers fiddled with the strap of his black mask.

The hooded-man was reluctant to show his scarred-lips.

' What if my scars scare her? Will she still like me if I show these scars..? I don't want her to hate me. After I was finally blessed with this opportunity to talk to her. I-I don't want to lose her in my life.' Haruchiyo was feeling extremely insecure of himself. He was unaware of how his hands were shaking from anxiety.

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