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Back to present days,In the city,In an alleyway

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Back to present days,
In the city,
In an alleyway..

Second Person's POV

It seemed like Haruchiyo was too contented with the fact that he no longer needed to hide his face from you. He was overpowered with confidence right now. He couldn't stop himself from peppering you with soft kisses. His hand was roaming on the side of your right thigh before he gripped your soft flesh, lifting up your leg slightly.

You gasped when Haruchiyo grasped your thigh. He didn't give you a chance to register the new sensation into your brain and captured your lips in a kiss again. Your arms slithered around his neck for support, avoiding yourself from losing balance.

Overwhelmed by the infatuation, the two of you began immersing yourselves in the sweet make-out session. Hands roaming on each other's body, luscious lips lapping each other's own lips. Losing sense of time and reality at the very moment.

Until the disturbance from a phone call ruined the moment.

Haruchiyo and you immediately stopped kissing each other when his phone rang noisily in his pocket. Untangling himself from you, he signed an apology with his hand before taking out his phone.

"Hello, Sanzu speaking-"

"Sanzu, you bastard!
Where the hell are you?!"

"Why the fuck are you
yelling at your superior,
you fucking jellyfish."

"The meeting will begin
soon yet your ass is still
not here! Boss is already
on his way!"

"Fuck, I forgot!"

In a heartbeat, Haruchiyo ended the call. You watched him in silence, figuring out the situation. "Work?" You questioned. He turned to you and hesitantly nodded. "I'm sorry. I need to go now. I have meeting... Sorry, (Y/n)."

"Aw, it's alright. It can't be helped. Let's return home first to bring back the groceries." You rubbed his broad back comfortingly. He smiled sadly at you, appreciating your understanding nature.

The two of you walked out of the alleyway, grabbing the paper bag of steamed buns and picking up the groceries plastic to stuff them inside the car. Starting the engine, Haruchiyo sat on the driver seat whilst you sat on the front passenger seat. He drove the car straight home using an alternative road to save more time.

The Bonten's vice president was rushing and racing with time.

When you two arrived, you insisted Haruchiyo to leave the groceries in your care but he persisted to help carrying the groceries all the way into the penthouse. Giving in, you allowed him to do as he pleased. You wanted to avoid upsetting him.

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