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A few moments later,Nighttime,(Y/n)'s apartment

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A few moments later,
(Y/n)'s apartment...

Second Person's POV

Both of you eventually finished eating the rice curry. Haruchiyo ended up emptying the pot of curry. He ate a lot for a slim man.

You were currently in the kitchen, washing some dirty dishes. Haruchiyo kept eyeing you lovingly before standing up. He made his way toward your direction. The hooded man wrapped his arms around your waist, resting his chin against your shoulder.

Your cheeks heated up, feeling Haruchiyo tightening the hug. He inhaled your scent deeply as if he wanted to remember it for the rest of his life.

You somehow felt comfortable with his touch. It was as if you both had known each other for a long time. You grew comfortable and accustomed to his presence very quickly.

"Do you need something?" You ask with soft voice. Haruchiyo hummed then shook his head. "Just want to hug my love."

'"My love"... Sounds nice to be called that.' warmth pooled in your cheeks. You completed washing the dishes then dried your hands with a clean towel. You stared at his hands resting on your stomach.

' Am I allowed to do the same as him? He won't push me away if I touch him too?' you were in dilemma. You wanted to avoid resorting to wrong action that could possibly lead to an awkward circumstance with Haruchiyo.

"(Y/n)... I love you." Haruchiyo didn't seem to hide his true feelings. After all, he already made it obvious by stalking you. And you yourself had acknowledged his romantic interest in you.

Throwing away the hesitation, you intertwined your fingers with his gently. Your palms clamped against the back of his hands, interlocking your fingers with his slender ones. Your eyelashes fell shut, enjoying yourself in this serene silence

' Odd, I am. Feeling comfortable with a stranger. To make it more puzzling, I think I'm falling for him too. He's...too sweet for me to resist.' you were confused of yourself.

You barely knew Haruchiyo yet this man never ceased to make your heart beat rapidly with excitement. He caused butterflies to flutter low in your stomach. They were all strong, positive feelings that you couldn't defy.

You gave in.

You didn't give a fuck what would happen after this. People would deem you as a maniac for involving yourself with a stranger you barely knew.

Everything you wanted now was to be with this man, who had given meaning and value to your colourless life.

' Obsession is an abnormal stage of love. Though, I don't care about that. In fact, his obsession...it excites me.' you smirked.

' Love..is indeed a mystery. Scary, even. Can be either blessing or curse. But in my case..' you untangled Haruchiyo's arms from your figure. Turning around, you faced the hooded man. You reached out your hands to his hood then pulled it down, revealing his pink hair.

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