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Sanzu's penthouse,Afternoon

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Sanzu's penthouse,

Second Person's POV

While you were in the kitchen cooking lunch, Haruchiyo was in Manjiro's bedroom to tend to him. He placed down a tray with a glass of warm water and some tablets for cold.

Manjiro was awake but his mind was hazy and blurry. He couldn't differ between reality and hallucination. He did recognize Haruchiyo though-- as the pinkette had been part of his life for years.

"Mikey, you should take some meds-"

"I hate meds."

Manjiro groaned in annoyance before turning his body around. His back was facing his childhood friend. Haruchiyo let out a sigh of exhaustion. He had been persuading Manjiro to consume medicine for days but to no avail. None of his methods worked nor his words got through Manjiro's head.

"If you don't take your meds, you will be more sick."

"...I want taiyaki first, Haruchiyo."

Manjiro told his demand in a drowsy manner. His eyes were open half-lid only and his face kept reddening as time ticked. His body was blazing hot from the high fever.

"I already bought you taiyaki earlier. I fulfilled my promise so please take your meds?" Haruchiyo didn't give up on persuading his boss, as well as his childhood friend. Manjiro pulled his blanket higher to cover his entire body.

"Where is Emma...? I want Emma."


Haruchiyo fell into deep silence when Manjiro asked that. This time, he couldn't say a word to answer the white-haired man. Before he could open his mouth to speak up, you came into the bedroom while carrying a tray of a cup.

"Hey, you two!" You greeted the two top members of Bonten while walking toward Manjiro's bed. You placed down the tray on a nightstand. Manjiro removed the blanket and popped his head out of his safe space.

You smiled upon meeting eyes with the silver-headed male. "I don't have Taiyaki yet but how about have a cup of hot chocolate as exchange? You must like it extra sweet, don't you?" You politely suggested. ' Because judging from his childish attitude, he must adore eating sweet things.'

Miraculously, Manjiro listened to you.

Manjiro slowly seated up himself on the bed, eyes not leaving the white cup of hot chocolate. Steam was leaving the cup indicating it was recently made. You carefully picked up the cup then handed it over to Manjiro. He gladly accepted it. He blew the steam off to cool it down.

You sat on a chair as you watched Manjiro drinking every drop of the hot chocolate drink you made for him. He continued to drink it in just one go without stopping. Huffing out in contentment, he locked his eyes at you.

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