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At Bonten HQ

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At Bonten HQ...

Second Person's POV

"What are you doing, Kakucho?"

You asked Kakucho who seemed quite immersed while scrolling on his phone. He was a bit startled by your sudden approach.

"Oh, (Y/n). I'm just looking for a gift for Rindou's birthday."

"Rindou's birthday?! When??"

"Next week."

Kakucho stared at his phone, a soft smile curled on his lips. "Ran and him are like older brothers to me. I love to show appreciation to them, especially on their special days."

You stayed quiet as your mind raced with countless thoughts. A confident smile laced on your face.

"I see. Thank you for telling me about his birthday. Good luck finding the best gift for him!"

"You're welcome, (Y/n)."

Excusing yourself, you returned to do your work. "I already have my own plan to celebrate his birthday." You smirked mischievously, knowing very well Rindou would surely never forget your future surprise for him.

" You smirked mischievously, knowing very well Rindou would surely never forget your future surprise for him

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A week later,
(Y/n)'s and Haru's penthouse..

"Tell me again why the fuck I have to celebrate my birthday at your place. We have celebrated my birthday at the club just now!" Rindou said in annoyance. He liked to avoid meeting you on his special day. He had been avoiding you so you couldn't make a move of mischief on him.

"Now, Rin. Don't be so tensed. Sanzu means well." Ran tried to be optimistic for his younger brother. He himself was worried of Haruchiyo's plan but did his best to stay on the bright side. Perhaps the Vice President planned a nice surprise for Rindou?

"Stop whining. I'm trying to do a good thing for you here."

"You look forced, though, Sanzu." Rindou exclaimed.

"Indeed, I am. But I don't have any room to complain since today is your special day."

Haruchiyo and the Hentai— Haitani Brothers walked into the elevator. Pressing some buttons, the elevator began going up to the pinkette's penthouse. Rindou felt like jumping off of the building by crashing the elevator. He was getting closer and closer to meet you.

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