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At the hospital

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At the hospital...

Second Person's POV

You hugged the cake packaging as you jogged down the hallway heading to Haruchiyo's wardroom. Your heart was beating in anxiousness, heart racing rapidly without giving you a break. Unable to focus on your surrounding, you stumbled into someone.

"I'm sorry-"

"(Y/n)? Why are you in such hurry?"

Takeomi spoke up confusedly. He gripped your shoulders in worry which urged you to look at him. "Oh, nothing. I just wanted to return to Haru and you as soon as possible. Why are you here, though?" You gave a reassuring smile to your brother figure.

"...something came up and I have to go now. Sorry I can't stay with you much longer, (Y/n)." Takeomi apologized, guilt evident in his voice. He patted your head softly. You were dismayed but you refused to make him feel bad. "It's okay. At least take this cake with you."

You opened the packaging carefully and pulled out a small box of cake. You handed it over to Takeomi. "Take good care of yourself and stay safe, Take-nii." You smiled brightly at him. He was touched by your kindness which made him smile.

"Thank you... I will see you next time, (Y/n). Take care of Haru for me."

"I will!"

After exchanging farewell, both of you went separate ways. Takeomi heading to the parking lots while you were on your way to Haruchiyo's wardroom. You didn't want to be by yourself. You needed company from someone you trusted the most.

 You needed company from someone you trusted the most

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Haruchiyo's wardroom...

Haruchiyo was lying on the hospital bed quietly. He was biting down his bottom lip in anxiousness. He was on the brink of biting his nail. He hated this feeling-- loneliness.

It was enough that the first person he saw after waking up was the person he hated the most. Now, you weren't around to comfort him. Haruchiyo wanted to break down.

Haruchiyo couldn't bear it. Being alone with Takeomi always reminded him of some unwanted memories. Especially the memories of Senju...and Haruchiyo himself.

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