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(Y/n)'s POV

I went out to the city to find a job. While at that, I also visited the crime scene -- my former workplace.

Man, that place was a mess. Pebbles formed from shattered parts of the building. Broken glasses of the windows. Police tapes were everywhere closing that scene from public.

It was way more brutal than I thought. There were even some belongings owned by the dead workers scattering on the ground.

What a strange occurrence. Those objects survived the explosion but not the people.

Karma is indeed real.

I don't have an ounce of pity toward these people who died in the explosion. I mean, I didn't even know most of them. Plus, my colleagues were a bunch of jerks. Their deaths is none of my business. I don't give a flying fuck.

All I care about is... Now I can start a new life with a fresh beginning!

"Tonight, let's cook...rice curry sounds appetizing!" I told myself whilst carrying several plastics containing cooking ingredients. Today was the day I usually did my weekly grocery shopping.

Haven't eaten rice curry for a while ever since I started living by myself.

It's time to try cooking rice curry on my own. Although it's more fun to cook in group, to be honest. Like those old days during high school camping trip.

I still haven't found a permanent job for myself so I simply applied for part-time job at my favorite convenience store. Good thing that they were hiring new worker so they hired me right on the spot.

I'm glad they pay weekly salary for part-timers. I can use that money to pay the rent.

Climbing up the stairs, my hands worked to take out my apartment key to unlock the door. But when I was about to insert the key into the keyhole, I halted midway.

The door was already slightly opened.

"Huh? I'm sure I shut it close and even locked it earlier..." I stated confidently. Pushing it open wider, I examined the situation inside my small apartment. No one was inside besides myself.

At least, that was my first assumption.

I noticed the door of my closet was also opened a little. Suspicion arose in the air. I put down the plastics on the kitchen counter then quietly tip-toed my way toward the closet.

Someone just broke into my apartment, I see.

Could it be, him?

I stood facing the closet, staring quietly at the closet doors. I believed the one hiding inside this closet wasn't stupid. He probably heard my footsteps considering it was extremely quiet in my apartment. I could even hear my breathing.

Dear My Stalker • Haruchiyo SanzuWhere stories live. Discover now