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In the wardroom,Afternoon

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In the wardroom,

Second Person's POV

"Alright. I think it's time for me to leave. Can't stay here until he wakes up... He will be all angry if he sees me." Takeomi exclaimed sadly. As much as he wanted to wait until Haruchiyo wakes up, he couldn't. He didn't want to ruin his younger brother's day.

"Okay—" you were about to see Takeomi off but your eyes landed on a paper bag in your hand first. You gasped in horror. "Oh, shit." you cussed under your breath as your eyes fixed on something. Takeomi stopped talking then looked at you confusedly. "What's wrong, (Y/n)?"

You instantly stared at him in panic. "I ate the whole bag of steamed buns while talking to you!" You cried out , feeling mad at yourself for not holding back your urge. "Now none is left for Haru to eat!"

"Just go and buy more from the hospital cafeteria—"

"That's the problem. The ones I bought were the last ones left! God, I'm the worst girlfriend ever!"

You crouched down on the floor and hugged your knees. Burying your face in your knees, you kept whining in anxiousness. 'What if Haru wakes up hungry later? What if he hates me for not leaving any steamed bun for him? Worse, he may leave me for doing this horrible thing to him! I don't want that to happen!!'

"Take-nii, what should I do?" You cried at your future brother-in-law. Takeomi smiled reassuringly and gripped your shoulders. He guided you to stand up back on your feet. "You should buy cheesecake from this one cafe for Haru."

"Which cafe? What's the name?" You were eager to know. This cafe would be your one and only savior. "Cozy Corner. Their cheesecake has been his all-time favourite. The cafe is around this area. You can reach there quickly by taxi."

"I see. Thank you, Take-nii!" You happily surprised Takeomi with a quick bear hug before letting him go. "So I will take my leave now! See you later—"

"Oh, wait. Give me your phone."

"Huh? Okay.."

You didn't disobey and compliantly handed over your phone. Takeomi began typing something on the screen quietly which piqued your interest. What was he doing actually?

"There you go. I saved my contact information. Call me if you need anything." Takeomi gave back the phone to you-- its rightful owner. "Ah, also. Here is some money for you." He even generously gave you some cash.

"No, Take-nii. I can't take your money." You were reluctant. You didn't want to trouble Takeomi. "Think of this as an allowance for yourself." He was yet to give up to convince you to have the money to yourself.

So in the end, you took the money from his hand. "Thank you. Take care of Haru while I'm not around." Bowing down to the older man, you then excused yourself and left the wardroom.

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