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Next day,In the city

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Next day,
In the city..

Second Person's POV

You were walking while carrying some groceries plastics but you halted on your track after realizing Haruchiyo wasn't nearby. Turning around, you spotted him a few meters behind you. He faced difficulty walking.

"Jeez, this is why I asked you to stay at home." You sighed in defeat. Haruchiyo had backache after making love last night. Yet he insisted on accompanying you to do grocery shopping.

Haruchiyo ignored your babbling and eventually managed to catch up with you. He was only carrying one plastic bag considering you didn't want to worsen his condition. You patted his back, congratulating him for his great efforts. "Good boy. You did a great job there."

Suddenly, a man pushing a baby stroller pushed Haruchiyo harshly as if he was in extreme hurry. The pinkette fell flat on his bottom. You wanted to focus on Haruchiyo but the baby's cries disturbed you. You darted your eyes to the suspicious man.

The baby was crying non-stop and the man looked quite clueless, not knowing how to deal with the crying baby. Besides, him being in hurry indicating that he was running away from something.

In an instant, everything clicked in your mind. ' That bastard... Is kidnapping the baby, isn't he? What an idiot, kidnapping a baby in broad daylight.'

"Sweetheart, stay still here, okay?" You smiled brightly at Haruchiyo before approaching the suspicious man. Tapping his shoulder, he turned to you frantically. "W-What do you want?!" He asked, rudely raising his voice at you for no reasons.

"That baby there. Is this baby really yours?"

"W...what? Of course it's mine!"

"Then why don't you stop your baby from crying? That poor child. Probably hungry or something."

"I-I will do it once I return home. You're wasting my time and that's not good for my child."

"Huh, really? But I really think you won't return home with this baby."

"What are you.."

"This child, you kidnapped from their mother, right?"

Before the kidnapper could properly react to your statement, you whisked a brutal kick on his head. In a heartbeat, he was knocked out and fell unconscious on the street. Haruchiyo and some passers-by around were astonished.

"Haru, drag this guy into the car and tie him up. I'm bringing this guy to the police station." You instructed Haruchiyo while you went over to the baby stroller. You picked up the crying baby and cooed softly at her to calm her down. You realized this baby was a girl after reading the word written on her clothes.

"Cute baby girl <3"

"What? Turn him in to the police? That's a dangerous place for us, (Y/n)." Haruchiyo remarked, though not in loud voice to make sure people around didn't hear it.

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